Year 2 Home Learning – Term 6, Week 5

Hello Year 2 and welcome to the learning for week 5.

This week, we continue with our topic of Journeys, a topic that the whole school is  working on together. A new project starting this week is to work together to create a Time Capsule. This will be buried on school grounds to help remember this important time for us and our school over the past few weeks.

Below is a summary of this week’s learning to act as guidance only and not a strict timetable to follow. Please continue to  work with the routines that suit your family best. However, if your child is coming into school, please do not complete work from the days that they’ll be in. You should see clearly the work that we are encouraging you to photo (3 pieces) to submit  into your 2 Build a Profile platform so that we can celebrate your work and give some more feedback. Work completed in school will be submitted by the teachers in the same way.  Remember that other pieces are welcome too, especially things that your child is really proud of.

All of this week’s resources can be found here.

This week’s timetable is here.



Daily reading: Carry on choosing books for reading, mixed up with games and other activities aimed at the level of your child from the Pearson site. Books you have at home or other sites you may also have been using are still fine too. Don’t forget to let your teachers know via your class email if you need more books or that your child needs the next level. There is also another digital copy of ‘First News’ for you to enjoy.

Reduced challenge: If you find your child is struggling with their reading it may be worth revisiting some of the phonics work from Year 1. This is great for spelling as well as reading. We highly recommend these videos from one of Letters and Sounds English hubs.

Reading task

This week we have uploaded some quizzes, puzzles, and a comprehension linked to newspaper articles for you to try.

Linked to our Science last week about the importance of water, there is also a reading comprehension about ending plastic pollution. Remember to choose the level of challenge that’s right for you. 


For your daily spelling this week have a go at this look, cover, write, check sheet and the homophone word search.


Learning objective: To correctly add missing punctuation. To correctly form letters and use lines when writing.

This sheet allows you to revisit all types of punctuation and types of sentences. Statements, commands, exclamations and questions. For extra handwriting practice, write out some of the sentences before adding the punctuation or for a reduced challenge you could just add them to the printed sheet.


Task 1: Describing Words in Adverts

Learning Objective: To identify adjectives and use them in your writing.

This lesson will give you all the tools you need for Task 2 later in the week. Follow the link to watch the videos, practise what you’ve learnt and then apply it to some written work.

Task 2: Advert for our ‘Journey’ book

Learning Objective: To create a persuasive advertisement.

Watch this advert for the book:

Can you make your own advert to encourage people to buy the book? This could be an advert to place in a newspaper, a TV ad or even a bill board poster. Remember to make your advert eye catching and include lots of persuasive language.

Task 3: Time Capsule

Learning Objective: To write a letter to children in the future.

We are living through some exceptional circumstances and we would like to make a record of this time for posterity. We are going to create a ‘Time capsule’ at school with lots of memories from this time. We would like to include some writing from you!

Write a letter for the Henleaze children of the future telling them all about life in lockdown! Tell them what happened. Think about the changes we have had to make. What has been difficult and what has been enjoyable? Include any funny stories you might have. We would also like photos and pictures to go in the capsule too, so email them in along with your letter. 

Extra challenge: Have a go at making a time capsule to keep at home. There are instructions on how to do this here.


Lessons 1 and 2  will use instructions from a video tutorial. Before commencing the video ensure that your child has everything they need, including:

  • the correct ‘Flashback4’ sheet (in resources drive);
  • the question worksheet (the answer sheet is also available in the shared drive but please don’t give them this);
  • a pencil;
  • Counters or any objects to count with
  • Tens Frame (found in Lesson 1 resources)

The tutorial will ask your child to pause the video at certain points. Please ensure that they know how to do this if you are not able to sit with them. 

Daily Fluency: Tasks 1 and 2 include a fluency element. Three additional fluency tasks are available here. This week, these will focus on making equal groups

Children in Year 2 are taught about what makes a number odd or even, and how to recognise whether a number is odd or even. Encourage your child to investigate, using objects such as counters or beads, and talk to you about what they notice and the patterns they can see.

Task 1 – Odd and Even Numbers 

 Learning Objective: to recall and use number facts including odd and even numbers

Find all resources for lesson 1 here

Set up the video tutorial available here.

You will need the Flashback4 Fluency Sheet and the worksheet. Please go through the answers with your child after they have completed the tutorial.

Extension Challenge: have a go at the ‘Diving into Mastery’ sheets.

Task 2: Identify Odd and Even Numbers

Learning Objective: To use knowledge of sharing equally to determine odd and even numbers.

All resources are here.

You will need the Flashback4 Fluency Sheet and the worksheet. Please go through the answers with your child after they have completed the tutorial.

Please complete this sheet for a reduced challenge (it looks very similar but the numbers are slightly less challenging)

Extension Challenge: have a go at a multiplication dice game to identify odd and even numbers (you will need dice to complete this sheet).

Task 3: Odd and Even Numbers Investigation

All ways, sometimes, never ?

Resource found here.

Have a look at the statements and you have to decide if they are always true, sometimes true or never true. Explore all the statements and use concrete resources to help you. 

You can cut out the statements and arrange them in the grid.

Key questions

Can you think of an example when it isn’t true?

How do you know that it is always true?

Is it possible to check all examples? Is there another way of knowing?



Fitness: Please continue to start your day with a physical activity such as Joe Wicks or Cosmic Kids Yoga. We have also provided some daily suggestions for family activities.

Skills: Skipping

Lesson Objective:  I can develop agility and coordination learning to skip.

You will need a skipping rope (or normal rope) and a little space. Check that the length is correct before starting, when stood on the middle of the rope the ends should reach the child’s armpits. Please follow the PE skills lesson (scroll to the relevant part of the presentation). Watch this before you warm up.

PSHE – Black Lives Matter

We have some suggested activities if you would like to continue with the BLM PSHE sessions:  Have a look at slide 7 on this PowerPoint to hear a story called Mixed by Arree Chung, read by Mrs Grant. There is a suggested follow up art activity on the slide.


Learning Objectives: I can reflect on an unusual time in my life. I can talk about my hopes for the future.

Discuss your thoughts and reflections on our recent times during the Coronavirus outbreak. Use the PowerPoint as a guide (Slide 12). Then collect your thoughts together in a  Memory Map. Use the border of the memory map to record your hopes for the future (written or drawn).


Learning Objective: Learning to build on my mistakes.

Never be afraid to make a mistake, we can learn a lot from them and sometimes we can change them into something really positive! Follow the PowerPoint and listen to Mrs Thoburn reading The Book of Mistakes.

Then see if you can build on a mistake or turn it into something else in your drawing.


Learning Objective:   I can show curiosity about the past.

This week we are thinking about a 200 year old time capsule buried by children and what it might contain. Follow the PowerPoint (Slide 9) then draw and label your discovery. 

Extension Challenge: Holidays at the seaside were becoming popular 200 years ago. Imagine you were a child at this time and write a diary entry or draw a postcard about a trip to the seaside.

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