Year 1 Learning. Term 2, Week 7

Well done  to all the Year 1 members of the school choir who gave a special performance last Wednesday at the Henleaze Fayre. A fantastic way to help kick off festivities in our local community.

A Huge thank you also to all children and for the support of all our parents who have worked so hard this term to keep us all going and to have achieved some wonderful learning and great achievements despite all the illnesses that have been thrown our way. You are all amazing. Thank you.

Hope you enjoyed the Peppermint Creams. We certainly enjoyed making them for you. Merry Christmas!

This week is our final week and along with Christmas activities and class treats we will be having our Whole School Enrichment Week which will include a trip to the Studio at the Old Vic for a performance of….


  • Monday 12th December – You are invited to join us for our Carol Service in  St Peter’s Church at 2pm. Please ensure children have coats (and every day as we aim to get outside as much as possible).
  • Wednesday 14th December – Theatre trip to Watch Belle and Sebastien. 

                        Cherry Class – Leave at 9:30am               Bluebell Class – Leave at 12:30pm

Parents who have offered their help have been informed  if they are needed to help this time. Children will be able to eat lunch at school and so will not require a packed lunch.

  • Friday 16th December – Last day of term. Children are invited to wear their own clothes and to bring in a donation to FHIS.
  • School will reopen for pupils on Wednesday 4th January, 2023 for Term 3. Our new learning theme in Year 1 will be: Our World
  • In R+WV during the first week back we will be discussing special stories and books that are important to us and our families. So pick a favourite with your child and encourage them to think about why they like it. They can bring it in to share during the first week back,.
  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Daily Well Being

Monday – Connect – Write a card to a friend or family member Ideas
Tuesday – Take Notice- Feel your feelings
Wednesday – Be Active – As a class, run around the playground and field 2 times.
Thursday – Keep Learning –
Use your number bonds to 10 to complete a colouring task.
Friday – Give –
Everyone you pass at school or home today a smile.


Phonics: New Phase Teaching – Phase 5 – Looking at Long Vowel Sounds
Focus GPCs: Recap of Graphemes taught this term. Assessments of new graphemes.
Vocabulary: adjective, verb, noun, phoneme, sounds, blend, letter name, word, sentence, full stop, question mark,

Session 1 : List all the things you and your dog would need if going on an adventure in the Alps.
Session 2:  A letter or note attached to the dog to look after it, how to look after it, what it needs , about finding a special friend.(link to PSHE)
Handwriting: Correct formation of especially themed Christmas words through the use of our 4 formation families.  Complete a dictated sentence.


  • Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a class to discuss comprehension.
  • Continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified.
  • Whole Class – Planned story sessions each day.


Mental Oral/Warm Up

Recall of addition facts within 10 (every day)
Recognise numbers to 20
Tens and ones practise for teen numbers

Learning Objectives: 
To know there are 7 days in a week and name them (and spell)
To know there are 12 months in a year and name them
To know there are 4 seasons and name them in order

In maths this week, as well as thinking about days of the week and months of the year, we will be recapping learning that we have done throughout the first two terms. We will be doing this through a range of activities such as colour by addition and subtraction and dot to dot activities.

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Outside Session 
Science – Weather -Continue with our weather watch study. Children to use format devised by the class each day.

Music –To understand Rondo form and to create a class composition based on this structure.
I can compose and perform within a given structure
I can recognise a repeated theme
I can select appropriate timbres to represent an idea. Use our learning from this term to in groups to create a piece of music with varying tempo and timbre, using the story of Belle for inspiration

Art- Look at the environment of the Alps, physical features. Art inspired by the Alps and snow. What colours are used to show a wintery environment? Why might it make us think of Christmas?

PSHE- Friendship. Does it just need to be between humans? Do we have pets? Why was Belle and Sebastien’s friendship so important and special?
Geography- The Alps – Where are they? What type of environment are they? Would it be easy to live there? What would you need to pack for an adventure in the Alps?

Year 1 Bronze Reading Certificates

Cherry Class – Aara  Edith

Bluebell Class – Alex

Bluebell Class – Cliona

Cherry Class –  Aara

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