Year 2 Term 3 Week 3


Polite request for cardboard! We are looking to start collecting thin cardboard such as cereal boxes/shoe boxes for our upcoming DT project.

Watch this space for more information about end of term space dance performances!

RSPB Bird watch

RSPB Big Bird Watch Weekend - Storth CE Primary School

Y2 are very excited to start thinking about the 2023 RSPB Birdwatch. This is an annual count for the charity which we are encouraging children to participate in outside of school.

The link below will take you to the sign up page and show you how to do it (even if you don’t have a garden).

The bird watch  runs from the 27th-29th January.

In school we will be doing lots of fun preparation activities to enthuse children about bird watching. After the 29th January, if you have any photos of any interesting birds you have captured, please do email them to your class emails.

Below are links to some fun activities you may wish to do at home to encourage birds into your garden. Please do check the ingredients in advance as most contain nuts:

Speedy Bird cake:–schools/big-schools-birdwatch-downloads/speedy-birdcake.pdf

Crumbly pastry maggots:–schools/big-schools-birdwatch-downloads/bird-recipe–crumble-pastry-maggots.pdf

Week 2 celebrations: 

The children worked extremely hard on their WOW day recounts this week. They have produced some excellent pieces of writing!



We are continuing to focus more on comprehension skills by retrieving fantastic facts about space in the texts that we read.

Please can we ask that children’s books and reading records are brought in DAILY. Many thanks for your support with this and thank you for keeping up with regular reads and recording in the reading records: regular reading of your child’s levelled reading books at home makes a significant impact on their progress.


Our writing focus for the next week is writing a diary entry. The children will look at the many features of a diary entry including:
– past tense
– chronological order
– using time words
– using powerful verbs and adjectives.

By the end of Week 3 the children will have put all of these skills into practise by writing an incredible diary entry from the perspective of the girl, Rocket, in our new story ‘Look Up’.  Some of these fantastic examples will be PUBLISHED on the blog for all to see so any writing practice you can do at home with your children will only help them make their recounts even more fabulous. 


In maths this week we are starting our new topic of measurement. Our learning focuses for the week are: 

  • Measure in centimetres
  • Measure in metres
  • Compare lengths and heights
  • Order lengths and heights
  • Four operations with lengths and heights

The children will complete many fun and engaging activities including a measurement scavenger hunt, and measuring our classroom and playground equipment using metre sticks!

Remember – you can use the White Rose app – 1 minute maths – to help support your child with their maths at home. 

Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Topic)

In History this week we will explore changes that have happened in society within living memory as well as taking a detailed look into what life was like in 1969- the year of the Moon Landing. 

In Design Technology we are thinking about how vehicles work. We will be exploring different axles and wheels in preparation for designing and making our own Luna Rover which will move independently, powered by wind.  

Religion and World Views

In R + WV we will be continuing to look at miracles Jesus performed and we will be making a booklet about the different stories.  


 In PSHE we will be thinking about the challenge we set ourselves, have we achieved it? How will we persevere if not? What steps do we need to take to challenge ourselves and succeed in our goals?

Stars of the Week

Magnolia: Rudy

Sycamore: Joss

Maple: Rowan

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