Year 1 Learning. Term 3, Week 4.

Well done to all those who were able to take part in our Active Travel Week last week. Miss Aviss has the lists of children who collected their 5 stars and the certificates will be given out on Friday of this week. Well done. So many children were able to take part and to talk about why it was so important.


  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Daily Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Make up a scavenger hunt for playtime.
Tuesday – Take Notice- Use your senses when you go outside. What can you see, hear, feel, taste and smell?
Wednesday – Be Active – Jack Hartman Let’s Move (music workout)
Thursday – Keep Learning –
Iam, I have, I can
Friday – Give –  Feed the birds. Think about what you could put outside to feed the birds. Maybe you could design a bird feeder?


Text: The Three Little Pigs

Phonics: Phase 5a – Mastery
Information for Sounds and Words Books:

Children will write in these sounds and keywords – Differentiated where necessary. Please use the books for the children to practice in. 

Focus GPCs: Revisit GPC    ew  oe  au  ey   ff

CEW and Keywords to read and spell:  looked    called   like   there   about   house   catch  few  hope  key

Sess 1 : Read the story of the Three Little Pigs. Children to act out the story thinking about what the characters may be thinking and feeling. Think of adjectives to describe the characters at different points in the story.

Sess 2: Create a story map with the main events from the Three Little Pigs story. Add adjectives to describe parts of the story onto the story map. Use it to orally retell the story.

Sess 3: Use the story map created yesterday to write the story of the Three Little Pigs. Try to use as much detail as possible and ensure that the story has a clear beginning, middle and ending. 

Sess 4: Write dictated sentences that include sounds taught this week and words commonly misspelt. 

  • Once upon a time there were three little pink pigs.
  • The three little pigs were afraid of the wolf. 
  • The brown wolf was looking for the pigs. 
  • Come out from where you are hidden shouted the wolf. 
    Afterwards, edit the spelling on the additional sheet using a word mat and rewrite the sentences with the correct spellings. 


  • Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension.
  • In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified.

Whole Class – Planned story sessions each day.


Session 1
To read and write numerals to 100
To compare numbers within 100, using the symbols <, > and =
This lesson reminds children of what they know about comparing numbers (within 20 today) using < > =  Children are asked to represent numbers using tens and ones to aid the comparison. Emphasis on comparing tens rather than ones. Practical lesson, children to use whiteboards to record their answers.

Session 2
To read and write numerals to 100
To compare numbers within 100, using the symbols <, > and =
Continuing to compare numbers but progressing to within 100.

Session 3
To read and write numerals to 100
To compare numbers within 100, 
To order at least five non-consecutive 2-digit numbers within 100, from least to greatest
After comparing numbers they are ordered. Starting with 3 non consecutive numbers and progressing to 5 (within 20). Practical task using concrete resources to make numbers and order them..

Session 4
To read and write numerals to 100
To compare numbers within 100, 
To order at least five non-consecutive 2-digit numbers within 100, from least to greatest
Progression from yesterday to numbers within 100. Worksheet to complete.

Session 5
To read and write numerals to 100
To compare numbers within 100, 
To order at least five non-consecutive 2-digit numbers within 100, from least to greatest
Using the knowledge and skills we have been practicing this week to answer word problems and reasoning questions and identify mistakes in ordering. Can the children identify the correct answer as well as explain how they know it is the correct answer.

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Team Games Session –  Building on skills learnt in Class PE sessions.

Jasmine PE– 
This week, the children will be learning and practicing a range of different shapes that they can make and hold with their bodies.


This week the children will be designing and making their own houses just like the three little pigs did! They will selecting materials that suit the criteria for a good house: strong and waterproof, using what they found out last week about material properties. They will then be carrying out a science experiment to test their houses next week!

R+WV Chinese New Year story and a look to see how this is celebrated over the world as well as in China. We will use what we find out in our writing next week.

Geography Look at location of UK on globe/world map Look at China and locate on World Map. Do we live close to China?

Art – Create a whole class dragon for Chinese New Year. Use cutting skills and shapes to create scales.

Children will also be given the opportunity to make lanterns during their ELLI time.


Stretchy learning –
To tackle a new challenge and understand this might stretch my learning.
To identify how I feel when I am faced with a new challenge.

Reading Star Certificates

Bluebell Class- Jack

Bluebell Class- Elliot, Cliona
Cherry Class – Archie

Cherry Class – Sienna
Bluebell Class – Leon

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