Reception – Term 4, Week 1

Our whole school Maths day, 100 Day, is on Friday 21st February 2023. Please see the information below. 


  • Parents Evenings:  Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd February – These are face-to face. Please speak to your class teacher if you have not been able to book appointments for parents evenings yet.
  • If your child completes one of the sides of their bookmark, please alert your child’s class teacher.
  • Children need to bring their book bag into school every day. If they do not have it on a Monday, they will not be able to have a new reading book. 
  • We would like you to support your child to hold their pencil correctly when they are using them at home. Children should be using a tripod grip. Click here to see a BBC Bitesize video about how to hold a pencil.
  • Please do not allow your child to play with the resources that are on the Reception patio in the morning. These have been carefully positioned and are there to support your child’s learning during the school day.


This week, the children have enjoyed listening to more visitors to finish our ‘Where I live topic’. They have also used different construction materials to build different parts of the school. All the children have worked together like teamwork bees and we have been impressed with their negotiation skills.

Star of the Week 

Daffodil –  Georgia

Daisy –  William

Buttercup – Thea

Tapestry – Observation request

The focus this week is Design and Technology.

Over half term, we would like the children to design and build a boat to sail to a cold place for our new topic (e.g. Antarctica). Please encourage your child to design the boat and support them to choose what materials they are going to use (junk modelling, lego, wooden bricks etc). 

You can also send us any moments that you feel are significant in your child’s learning or want to share with your child’s class teachers.

Click the links below to find out how to add observations from different devices. 

Apple device

Andriod device


Whole school Maths day, 100 Day

On Friday 24th February 2023, Henleaze Infant School are planning to host a themed Maths day to enrich our curriculum and promote the enjoyment of mathematics. 

We have chosen this day as it will mark reaching 100 on our daily counts. Each class has been keeping count using the ‘Henleaze Daily Count’ in their classroom and have added one straw for each day of school. We hope that the children will find this day enjoyable, engaging and use it as an opportunity to explore more fun elements of Maths learning in school.

We are asking for your support in enabling your child to come to school with one thing you can find at home that represents 100. Some examples include:

  • A top trumps card with ‘100’ on it
  • £1 (100p)
  • An item that is 100cm tall
  • Something that weighs 100g
  • A puzzle with 100 pieces
  • A book with 100 pages
  • 100th anniversary booklet

The Reception children will take part in an investigation; ‘How can 100 be grouped?’ We will be using practical resources to work it out. 

This week’s learning and our new topic

Our new topic is called ‘Places that are different from where I live’. We will spend the first 3 weeks of term learning about cold places and the last 3 weeks of term learning about hot places. 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We begin our new theme: “Healthy Me” with learning about how exercise is important to keep our bodies healthy.

Communication and Language

This week, we will use a new key text called Emperors Egg. The children will become familiar with the story and talk about the events in detail.

Word of the week: Emperor

Physical Development

This week, we will be learning how to make tuck and star shapes during our PE lesson.


This week we will be revisiting our Phase 3 phonics and becoming masters in ai, ee, igh and oa. We will be practising writing these digraphs in words and short captions.

Writing: This week we will be writing a non fiction fact file about penguins.


We will be learning in depth about number 9 and 10 and the children will compare numbers to 10. Alongside this, we will be taking part in the whole school Maths day on Friday as this will mark our 100th day in school this academic year. 

Understanding the World 

We will be learning about Polar bears and melting ice caps.

Religion and Worldviews

Continuing our Unit “Why are some times special?” We will be learning about Pancake Day, Mardi Gras and Lent.

Expressive Arts and Design

This week we will be continuing our Handa’s surprise music theme, learning to play rhythms accurately as a group.

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