Year 1 Learning. Term 4, Week 1

Term 4 Begins: Monday 20th February 2023

Welcome back! We hope the children (and grown ups!) are well rested and ready for another exciting and busy term. This week is a busy one with our 100 Day in School celebrations and 2 Parents Evenings. These are face-to face again. Please speak to your class teacher if you have not been able to book appointments for parents evenings yet.


Whole School 100 Day- Friday 24th February
We are asking for your support in enabling your child to come to school with one thing you can find at home that represents 100. Some examples include:

  • A top trumps card with ‘100’ on it
  • £1 (100p)
  • An item that is 100cm tall
  • Something that weighs 100g
  • A puzzle with 100 pieces
  • A book with 100 pages
  • 100th anniversary booklet 
  • Next week is our World Book Day Celebration. The official date is Thursday but in school we will be celebrating on Friday, 3rd March. We will give out more information nearer the time, but the children will be invited to dress up as a favourite character.
  •  Parents Evenings:  This Week:Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd February
  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 
  • We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Advance Warning – A date for your diaries: 

Year 1 Epic Production – The curtain will rise for a performance to parents on… Thursday, 30th March at 9:30 am

Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Tell a friend about something you did in half term.
Tuesday – Take Notice- Colour in a Mardi Gras mask, or design your own
Wednesday – Be Active – Video game workout
Thursday – Keep Learning – –
Rainbow challenge – How could you make a rainbow
Friday – Give – 
Offer to do something helpful in your class today


Text: Yeti and the Bird, by Nadia Shireen

Phonics: Phase 5b – Alternative Pronunciations
Information for Sounds and Words Books:

Children will write in these sounds and keywords – Differentiated where necessary. Please use the books for the children to practice in. 

Focus alternatives:  a (acorn)   a (fast)   a  (was)   e (he)
Keywords and Spelling: fast, after, again, want, water, where, who, little, one, was
Grammar: Using –ing, –ed, –er and –est where no change is needed in the spelling of root words [for example, helping, helped, helper, eating, quicker, quickest] Adding -er and -est to adjectives where no change is needed to the root word 

Session 1 : 
Discuss what opposites mean. Look at the different stories that have opposite characters in- can you think of any more? 
Look at different adjectives, can you think of what the opposite would be as class?
Session 2:   
Introduce the word because– discuss different ways of remembering how to spell it. 
Sort parts of sentences into longer sentences that make sense and stick them in books. Use sentence starters to copy and complete. 
Session 3:  
Read the letter to the class (from the yeti asking how to make friends). Children discuss with talk partners why someone might be lonely and not have any friends. 
Share pictures of yeti’s and think about whether or not they would be friends with a yeti. Orally complete sentences “I would be friends with a yeti because…” “I would not be friends with a yeti because…” 
Children write sentences about how to be a good friend and about whether they’d be friends with a yeti or not.
Session 4-  Handwriting
Introduce and read the book ‘The Yeti and the Bird’. 
Look at page 2- pick out the adjectives. What do they all have in common? Underline the ‘est’ part of each word. Identify the root words in each.
Add the suffix to each adjective in the table. Underneath, write a sentence using the -est words.

  • Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension and start to answer written questions.
  • In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified.

Whole Class – Planned story sessions each day.


Session 1 : To recognise the coins and know their values.

  • To use p and £ symbols.
  • To represent the coins using tens, ones and hundreds.
    Introduce money and how coins link with place value, their value can link to ones, tens and introduce ‘hundreds’ (link to ones= 1p, tens= 10p, 1 pound= 100p).

Session 2 : To make amounts within 50p, by using knowledge of tens and ones.

  • To recall ways of making amounts within 5p.
  • To start to find ways of making amounts to 50p using the fewest possible coins.
    Make amounts within 50 by splitting into tens and ones. Look at different ways of doing it. Start with 10ps and 1ps (swap out coins for different denominations).

Session 3 : To recall ways of making amounts within 5p.

  • To make amounts within £1, using the fewest possible coins
    Use the method introduced in the last lesson of working systematically to use the fewest coins possible to make amounts.

Session 4 : To recall ways of making amounts within 5p.

  • To make amounts within £1, using the fewest possible coins 
  • To recognise the notes and their value.
    Word problems: to make amounts within £1 by using fewest possible coins.
  • Session: 5 100th Day Special Session

Wider Curriculum

PE-  SHINE Outside Session 

Jasmine PE
Flight: Jumping and Landing

We will be practicing our landing positions (with bent knees and arms in front) to help us do neat jumps with soft landings. We will have a go at different types of jumps, including straight, hop, cat leap, jete and a hop with leg at 90 degrees.

Hot and Cold Places

We will be learning about the equator and where hot and cold countries are in relation to it. We will also think about where the north and south poles are, as well as what the directions on a compass are. We will also be thinking about the weather in the UK and whether we are a hot or cold country or somewhere inbetween. We will then be labeling some of things that we have learnt on our own maps of the world. 


The Five Pillars of Islam
We will be learning about how the Qur’an tells Muslims five things which all good Muslims should do in their lives. These are known as the Five Pillars of Islam.

We will be starting to learn songs for our play!! They are quite catchy so listen out for them being sung or hummed at home over the next few weeks!


Maintaining balanced lifestyle key to staying healthy > Joint Base San  Antonio > News

Being Healthy
Our PSHE and some of our science this term is all about what our bodies need to be healthy. We will be kicking this off with thinking about what some of those things are, including a balanced diet, exercise, keeping clean, getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water.
We will also be discussing how using the internet and screen time makes us feel. We will think about how we can tell when to take a break from screens to get a healthy balance.

Reading for the Stars

Bluebell – Josh
Bluebell – Alex Annabelle Ivy Joe W Hannah

Cherry Class – Riya

Bluebell Class – Alex

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