- Year 1 Performance of…
‘Eddie the Penguin Saves the World’, Thursday, 30th March, 9:30am
Just wanted to remind you that we are taking part in Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel 2023 the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge. The challenge runs from 20-31 March.
Please try to travel in an active way to school each day. There is a chance to win some great prizes for our school as part of this too! Thank you so much for your support with this.
You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions.
We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.
Daily Well Being Activities
Monday – Connect – Are you more like … with Blazer Fresh
Tuesday – Take Notice- Be mindful of your fruit at fruit time – describe the colour/ taste/ texture. you could make a guessing game out of it.
Wednesday – Be Active – Move and Freeze
Thursday – Keep Learning – Courageous people who changed the world
Friday – Give – How do they feel? Being kind means thinking about how others are feeling. How would you be kind to the children in these pictures
Text: The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett
Phonics: Phase 5b – Alternative Pronunciations
Information for Sounds and Words Books:
Children will write in these sounds and keywords – Differentiated where necessary. Please use the books for the children to practice in.
Assessment of Phonics
Teach new pronunciation: y(very) ch(school) ch(chef) c (cell) g (gent) ey (they)
Use subordination (using when, if, that, or because) and coordination (using or, and, or but)
Words ending -y happy, funny
Spellings: going, next, happy, funny, but, put, when, please, friends, once
Writing: Vocabulary: letter, word, finger space, sentence, punctuation, lower case, capital, full stop, adjective, noun
Session 1 : Look at the front cover. What’s the book about? What kind of egg is this?
Discussion- display spotty egg on PPT. What could hatch out of it? Children design an egg (they’ll have to draw the egg outline themselves) and write underneath what they think will hatch out of it and why.
Session 2: Read book up to Then… (where all the eggs are about to crack). What could be in all of these eggs and why? Then they can stick down an egg and write next to it.
Ask children to predict which creatures they think these eggs may belong to (e.g. dinosaurs) and why, for example because of its appearance.
Who do the eggs belong to? Predict what animals they may come from.
Sessions 3 and 4 : Read book through to the end. What unusual thing has happened? What other creatures like alligators have eggs? Tell children that we have received an email from Emily Gravett asking for their help to prevent an accident like this happening again. Tell them that she has asked us to make an ‘Egg Spotter’s Guide’. Use Fact sheets for guidance. Children create ‘book’ each using proforma (fold it themselves).
Reading: Focus: Reading Comprehension – Making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done.
- Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension and start to answer written questions.
- In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified.
Whole Class – Planned story sessions each day.
Non standard measure
Learning Objectives:
To know that height is a type of length.
To compare length and height using language long(er)(est)/short(er)(est)/tall(er)(est).
To order 3 or more things by length/height.
To use non-standard units to measure length and height.
To understand that the non-standard units they use need to be of equal length (ie. can’t mix the units they use to measure).
To know how to use a ruler to measure length, starting from 0cm.
To understand that a standard unit of measurement is required as non-standard units vary in length and size.
Key difficulty points:
- Length usually refers to the length of the longest side of something (e.g. the length of the table generally refer to the length of the longest side). This can be confusing when talking about
- Know that the vocab changes depending on what they are describing, tall/taller/tallest are used to describe height only.
- Know that the units should line up exactly with the start point and the end point of what they are measuring to get an accurate measurement.
- Line ruler up at 0 cm (different rulers can have 0 in different places).
- Make sure you put ruler just below the line/thing you are trying to measure so that you can actually see that object too and know where the start and end of it is.
- Orientating the ruler in line with the thing you are trying to measure.
Wider Curriculum
PE- SHINE Outside Session
Science Complete work on Animal Classification. Are there more ways to classify animals other than the main 6 discussed so far?
DT To begin to understand where food comes from, both in the UK and from around the world.
R+WV Easter work Catch-up. Follows up of missed sessions due to industrial action.
Music/Drama – Practice all songs and put scenes/play together in hall on stage. Dancers to learn dances.
PSHE Being Healthy – Road Safety
Computing – Work with a partner to design a story board for an animation and create a back drop (scenery) for it.
Reading For The Stars – Year 1 Certificates
Cherry Class – Felix – Gold Award