Term 5 WK 5

There will be a small treat for the class in the school who manages to bring in the most jars!

Choir Children – The choir will be performing at the May Fair on Saturday 20th May at 3pm.
You should now have received information with arrangements, timings and meeting point for the event. Words for them to practice at home were also included. Please ask your class teacher if you are unsure and they will check in with the choir team on your behalf.


In English this week we are going to be looking at our new stroy ‘Bear and the Piano’. We are going to take part in drama activities to tell the story and then create our own version. We will be changing the character, setting and musical instrument. 

If you would like to watch the story at home, here is a link: 


This term we will be revising the CEWs we started learning last term to ensure that children are secure in reading and spelling them. You can support your child at home this term by regularly revising these. 


This week in Maths the children will be consolidating their understanding of place value. We will recap partitioning numbers into their tens and ones (e.g in the number 52 there are 5 tens and 2 ones), and exploring how we can partition numbers with non-standard combinations (e.g 52 could be made up of 4 tens and 12 ones). We will also recap adding and subtracting 10/10’s from a number, with a focus on which numbers (and why!) change when we add/subtract units of ten.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Topic)


The children will start their new geography topic about 2 contrasting places. The children will begin researching Brazil and England and think about similarities and differences between the 2 countries. This week our focus will be on the climate and location of each country.


The children will look at how nature inspires real-life products. Some examples they will study are: bandages, cups, velcro, scourers, aspirin.

R + WV

The children will carry on learning about special places for Christians, with a focus on their trip to a Church last year. They will specifically think about the use of symbolism within Christianity and Christian places of worship.


The children will talk about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ secrets and discuss when it is appropriate to keep a secret, and when it is not. The children will learn who they can talk to if they feel they have a secret that they feel uncomfortable about.

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