Year 1 Learning Week 6, Term 6

Thank you to everyone that joined us for our open afternoon last week. We hope you enjoyed seeing your child’s work and the opportunity to have a look around your child’s new classroom.

Wednesday 10th July – Annual Reports out to parents
Wednesday 10th July – Please ensure that all reading books and book class book corner books are returned to your class teacher by Wednesday 10th July. Thank you for your cooperation. 
Friday 19th July – Last day of school before summer holidays – non-uniform
Monday 22nd July – INSET day
Tuesday 23rd July – INSET day

On Thursday 11th July we will be having an assembly to promote the Bristol Libraries Summer Reading Challenge. Click here to find out more about how you can use this to encourage your child to keep reading over the summer.

Phonics: Focus alternatives 
/oo/ (clue)   
/oo/ (June)   
/oo/ (blew)
Spelling: Year 1 Common Exception Words

Writing: Text ‘Journey’

This wek we will be retelling a section of the story, focusing on desrcibing how the caharcters feel to bring the story to life.

We will also be writing about information about ourselves to give to our new teacher to help them get to know us.

Whole Class Reading – We will also be shaing the text: ‘Quest’. The sequel to the Journey story.

This week in maths we will be finishin off our unit about telling the time to consolidate:
-reading o’clock and half past times
-our understading of the difference between seconds, minutes and hours.

We will then be carrying out some end of year assessments.

PE- Outdoor Athletic Skills 

R+WV– How do people show that they do or don’t care about our world?

PSHE– Coping with changes.

Science– Continue weather watch charts. Take children’s heights, compare to beginning of the school year and write up findings. 

DT– Continue sawing wood for photo frames (1:1)

Art– create picture – tree art ready for new classes!

Stars of the Week: 

Bluebell Class: Erin
Cherry: Rory
Daffodil: Alfred

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