Year 1 – Last Week!

Well we have made it to the last week of Year 1! Thank you to all the children – you have all been amazing, engaged and enthusiastic with your learning. Thank you too for all the parents/carers amazing support. It’s been a great year and all the Year 1 team will miss you all and wish you happy holidays and all the best for Year 2!

Please send your child with a named carrier bag on Monday 15th July to send their work home in.

This week: Make sure you check for any lost property and don’t forget to collect any medication from the office on the last day.

Last Day: Friday 19th July (Non Uniform Day with a donation for FHIS)

School Starts Back: Wednesday 4th September 2023

Thank you all for sending in library and reading books. If you do have any left at home, please do send them in via the classroom or school office.

In phonics we will be recapping sounds to suit each class and playing some fun phonics games!

This week we will be having some fun summer writing activities. Plus we will be writing a message to leave in our trays welcoming the new children to their new classes.

We will be sharing lots of stories as a class as well as hearing children read individually or as group.

We have some maths activities to recap key areas of learning from the year and this term.
-Addition and subtraction recap
-Place value and partitioning into tens and ones within 100 recap
-Coin recognition recap
-Fact families recap

Science – We will be reviewing our long term study of the summer weather and comparing it to our weather diaries from the winter. We have had some unusual results for our weather this month with more rain than would normally be expected!

PE – We will have Shine PE and our final PE as a class this week focusing on ‘front support’ and ‘back support positions.

PSHE/Transition – We will be talking about our new classes and helping to get our rooms ready for the new classes. Including writing them a note for their trays

Online safety – we will be doing a online safety quiz In Purple Mash to see how much we have learnt this year.

Stars of the week
Cherry – William
Bluebell – Whole class
Daffodil – Sylvie

Henleaze Infant School © 2025