Year 2 Term 1, Week 1

Our Learning theme this term will be….

Knights and Castles

Welcome to Year 2!
Doors Open : Wednesday 4th September 8:45am



Important Dates for Year 2 (Advance warning – more information to follow):

Message from Mrs Hibbard: Summer Reading Challenge 2024:
If you completed the Bristol Libraries Summer Reading Challenge over the Summer, please bring in your medal (named) on Tuesday 10th September so that we can celebrate your summer reading achievements in our Key Stage 1 Assembly. 

Well Being Activities

Wednesday – Be Active If you’re Happy and you know it KS1 Wake up, wake up song
Thursday – Keep Learning
What are you going to challenge yourself to do in this new school year?
Friday – Give Share ideas for how to help someone who is feeling sad


Revisit Phase 5 Phonics through games together as a class. (Revision of last year’s Learning)
(Daily sessions begin more formally in week 2)
Keywords Revision : their said could
Punctuation: Question Marks
Writing a simple dictated sentence.

Writing Composition
Write a postcard asking some ‘curious cat’ questions about Year 2 and about our of Knights and Castles. Share verbally first.
Handwriting Using squared paper to think carefully about where our letters start and finish.
Write our key words and word of the week thinking carefully about correct formation.
Correctly form number digits.
Reading Read individually this week or next week and receive reading books, new book marks and log books to take home.


Consolidation of numbers to 50/100.
Correctly form digits (Handwriting)
Maths games and activities inside and outside. 

Wider Curriculum

PE or SHINE PE Outside Session

PSHE – New Beginnings
Introduce Year 2 Routines
Introduction to outside provision and expectations.
Establish class rules and create an agreed class charter together.
Circle Time – Spider – Work as a class to create connections between Year 1 and Year 2.

Exploring the ELLI animals

Art – Creative Unicorn – Use a variety of media to create a picture of their own choosing.

         Chameleon – Exploration of colour mixing

DT – Busy Bees -Working in teams and in new groups during class and SHINE time

Curious Cats – Explore the inside and outside environments to access resources independently. Write a postcard with questions.

Starting next  week we will also post the stars of the week for each class here.

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