Year 2 Learning. Term 1, Week 2

This Week:
Tuesday – Bring in any Summer Reading Challenge certificates/medals to share in assembly (Please make sure they are named!)
Tuesday Back to School Meetings – In classrooms, 3pm prompt start
Here is a link to the main points from the meeting if you are unable to attend.

WednesdayYear 2 WOW Day – Children are invited to dress up with our theme of ‘Knights and Castles’.

For other important dates for this term please refer back to last week’s post.

Please make sure that all PE kits are back in school and stay on their pegs for the term. Full class PE will start week 3.

MondayConnect – Throw an imaginary ball (or a treat of your choice) to a friend and call out their name
Tuesday – Take notice – Make a feelings wheel and move the pointer to show us how you’re feeling
Wednesday – Be active – Try some Yoga poses
Thursday Keep learning – Tell us about a new toy or activity you have tried
Friday Give – What’s your favourite food?



All children will continue to be read with individually and as part of a whole class to share prediction within texts. Reading in groups will start next week. We will also be assessing their phonics retention from Year 1.

Revision of Numbers to 20, including the correct formation and orientation when written
Count objects to 100 by making 10s Practical activity and then to use their own way to record
To be able to Recognise tens and ones both practically and in an image or written number
To Use a place value chart to access 2 digit numbers

PE/DANCE Construct a class dance to Henry VIII Greensleeves ready for ball
ART Design a shield using ELLI animals and symbols from mediaeval times – Learn about heraldry and symbolisation. Use this to make own shield during our WOW day
PSHE To begin to understand the role of the family in their lives
History   Look at and discuss the range of Jobs in a castle
R + WV Celebrations – What might we celebrate and with whom?
Science Introduce Animals including Humans unit of work. To notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults. To match and sort young animals and their adults.

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