Thank you for being patient with the details for our trip being sent out. You should now have received them. Make sure you complete the payment and form as this is also the method of granting permission for attendance on the trip. If you have any questions relating to this then please talk to your class teacher.
Thank you for all the offers to help on our trip. Teachers will let you know if you are needed this time (if they haven’t already), early this week. If you are not needed this time we will bear you in mind for future events and trips over the year.
Diary Dates
Friday 4th October – Inset day– School closed to children
Tuesday 8th October – Year 2 Caldicot Castle Trip – All children will need a packed lunch, snack and water bottle, sensible shoes (no wellies) and waterproof coat.
Tuesday 15th October – Phonics learn-a-long KS1 – 9am in classrooms.
Wednesday 23rd October – Harvest Festival – Look out for more information. We will be asking for non perishable food stuffs to be brought in for donation to the Salvation Army Food Banks.
Friday 25th October – End of Term 1. Non uniform day. Contributions to FHIS.
Monday 4th November – First Day of Term 2
Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th November – Parents Evenings – More information and how to sign up will follow nearer the time
- Please click here to view the newsletters.
- Please find the lunch menu by clicking here.
- Please use the school calendar to find up-coming dates.
Phonics and Spellings
Writing – Text to support Learning – ‘Tell me a Dragon’, by Jackie Morris
News Headline – A dragon has been spotted in Henleaze and there’s evidence it visited our school over night! What clues can we find?
Write up a report about the friendly dragon that visited our school! Skills to use include:
Note taking
Hot seating
Make a Wanted poster to try and track down the dragon that was spotted
Instruction Writing – How to catch a dragon and include a design for a humane trap
Handwriting – Last week of number formation
Reading – Reading and discussing books as part of a small group. We will be focusing on the characters in our books and looking at how they are described using adjectives. We will also be assessing their phonics that have been taught so far to help fill in any gaps before moving onto new graphemes in Term 2.
Quick recall of number facts – Number bods to 20
10s and 1s on the number line to 100 Look at position and patterns
Estimate numbers on a number line when numbers are missing.
Compare objects Children identify which quantity is greater, explaining their reasoning. The language of “more than” and “fewer than” will be used in the context of quantity.
Wider Curriculum
Science Q3 How do we change as we mature? Growing Up. How do we change and what are different things we are able to do as we get older.
Art Study the artist Paul Klee and look at some examples of his work, Focus on his painting of ‘The castle in the Sun’ to then use as inspiration of his study of pattern and colour to create our own masterpieces!
DT To use clay creatively to make a castle showing the main parts. This week we will be in the design stage but will need to think and experiment with the material to help with the deign stage.
R&WV Look at the Baptism of Jesus story from the Bible. Discuss and look then at the Christian symbolism used in art to help illustrate this story.
History In small groups create a timeline using a series of castle pictures. Order them in order of age (oldest to youngest) and verbally discuss your reasoning behind decisions made. To extend then look at the castles and discuss as a class whether they are all from our country? What clues are there in the pictures?
PSHE Exploring Friendships – What makes a healthy friendship? Being able to explain what I can do if a friendship is making me feel unhappy. Knowing who in school can help with friendship problems.
Willow Class – William
Sycamore Class – Rhea
Maple Class – George