We have our WOW day this week on Monday to launch our new topic ‘Beegu and Me’. Children are invited to dress in clothes showing what they might want to be when they are older or just clothes that they feel special or they are comfortable in. We will be looking at ourselves and what makes us special.
This week we will be creating a questionnaire in our history lesson as a class about how life may have changed for children since our parents/carers and grandparents were young. Look out for this coming home for you to fill out!
Diary dates
Monday 23rd September – Year 1 WOW Day – To launch our new topic ‘Beegu and Me’ children are invited to dress in clothes showing what they might want to be when they are older or just clothes that they feel special or comfortable in. We will be looking at ourselves and what makes us special.
Friday 4th October – Inset day– School closed to children
Monday 14th October – Westonbirt Trip – watch out for an email requesting payment. We are still short of parent helpers in Daffodil class.
Tuesday 15th October – Phonics learn-a-long KS1 – 9am in classrooms.
Wednesday 23rd October – Harvest Festival – Look out for more information. We will be asking for non perishable food stuffs to be brought in for donation to the Salvation Army Food Banks.
Friday 25th October – End of Term 1. Non uniform day. Contributions to FHIS.
Monday 4th November – First Day of Term 2
Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th November – Parents Evenings – More information and how to sign up will follow nearer the time
This week we will be continuing revision of Phase 4. In year 1 we start with a revision of sounds taught in Reception to ensure that children are secure in their decoding and blending skills before moving onto learning new sounds. This week we will be focusing on:
Handwriting focus
Our whole school begins a new handwriting scheme this year: Unlocking Letters and Sounds Handwriting. This term we are looking at number formation mastery. This week we will be consolidating 0,1,2,3. As part of our revision of common exception words, we will also be practicing writing these words informally throughout the week: was, you, they, my.
This week we will be writing labels and creating questions about our new class text: Beegu
We will continue reading one to one with children throughout the week and changing books. Please ensure books are brought in daily. Daffodil will be changing books and visiting the library on Tuesday. Cherry will be changing books on Thursday.
Number fluency
Counting forwards and backwards from any number within 20.
Number recognition within 10 (and 20).
Number formation
Physical counting out so many claps/jumps/stamps
Recognise numbers written as words.
To recall 1 more and 1 less within 10
Main learning
This week we will be starting our Place Value within 10 unit.
To find 1 more than a number within 10.
To find 1 less than a number within 10.
To compare numbers using the language greater than and less than and equal (as well as the symbols >, < and =)
Wider Curriculum
PE- SHINE Outside Session – Team Games
Class PE – Fundamental Movement Skills: Footwork Patterns and One Leg Balance
PSHE – We will be learning about what makes a good friend.
Art – We will looking at the work of different artists and how they compare.
DT – we will be using plasticine to make models of Beegu.
R+WV- We will be thinking about belonging and the different clubs, groups and communities we belong to.
History – We will be thinking about changes and milestones within our lives and creating a timeline of events from when we were babies to now. We will also be creating a questionnaire to send home – more information above.
Science – We will be continuing to think about the 4 seasons and will be focusing on the weather we would expect to see if each season.