What an adventure we all had last week…We found clues that a dragon had visited our school. We became journalists for the week, reporting on our findings and other sightings of dragons in and around Henleaze!
This week: Friday 4th October – Inset day– School closed to children
Next Week:
Diary Dates
Tuesday 8th October – Year 2 Caldicot Castle Trip – All children will need a packed lunch, snack and water bottle, sensible shoes (no wellies) and waterproof coat. See above note.
Tuesday 15th October – Phonics learn-a-long KS1 – 9am in classrooms.
Wednesday 23rd October – Harvest Festival – Look out for more information. We will be asking for non perishable food stuffs to be brought in for donation to the Salvation Army Food Banks.
Friday 25th October – End of Term 1. Non uniform day. Contributions to FHIS.
Monday 4th November – First Day of Term 2 INSET – School Closed to Children
Tuesday 5th November – First Day of Term 2 for children
Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th November – Parents Evenings – More information and how to sign up will follow nearer the time
- Please click here to view the newsletters.
- Please find the lunch menu by clicking here.
- Please use the school calendar to find up-coming dates.
Phonics and Spelling
Text to support learning: ‘Tell me a dragon’, by Jackie Morris
Describe a Character. Collect a variety of adjectives. See how our text has used adjectives and similes to describe a character.
Fantasy Worlds. Use the text to support how you would describe a setting in a book. Can we use some of the same adjectives that we used to describe a dragon? Think about…
-Description – Adjectives, Expanded noun phrases
-Coordinating conjunctions
Editing – Introduce editing and checking for punctuation. Use a ‘purple polishing pen’!
Handwriting Revisit Correct Lowercase Letter Formation – concentrate on letters where correct starting place will prevent reversals of letters.
Read in groups or individual using questioning skills to help determine comprehension of text read.
Compare numbers
Order objects and numbers
Count in 2s, 5s and 10s
Count in 3s
Wider Curriculum
DT Make a clay castle using air drying clay. Work in small groups. Use the design from last week. Now that you are using the clay what adaptions will you need to make to your design? Why?
Art Create a portrait of Henry V11 or Elizabeth I. To use drawing pencils and pastels to use a mix of media including skin tone matching. Why are there no photographs of these 2 monarchs?
PSHE- Lesson 5 I understand that manners are important wherever I am. I can explain where I might need to show extremely good manners. I understand why manners and behaviour change in some situations.
Music – Lesson 2 To explore the correlation between pitch and high/low notation. To create my own symbols to represent sounds. To define music vocabulary –pitch (HIGH and LOW) and identify the pitch when heard. To keep a beat/respond to a beat.
Science – Enquiry Q4 What do all animals need to stay alive? Survival. Looking at different animals (not humans)and how they adapt to their surroundings.
Then…What do humans need to survive? Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air). Look at similarities and differences.
Willow Class – Kit
Sycamore Class – Chester
Maple Class – Emilia