Year 1 Learning Week 5 Term 1

Keep an eye out for a history questionnaire in book bags. We have written the questions together and are hoping to use either grandparents or parents as historical sources to answer our questions about what it was like when they were children.

Diary dates

Friday 4th October – Inset day– School closed to children
Monday 14th October – Westonbirt Trip – please wear suitable clothing and shoes for the weather as we will be outside all day. Please also ensure your child has a packed lunch and water bottle.
Tuesday 15th October – Phonics learn-a-long KS1 – 9am in classrooms.
Friday 25th October – End of Term 1. Non uniform day. Contributions to FHIS.

This week we will be continuing revision of Phase 4. In year 1 we start with a revision of sounds taught in Reception to ensure that children are secure in their decoding and blending skills before moving onto learning new sounds. This week we will be focusing on:

Handwriting focus: 

Our whole school begins a new handwriting scheme this year: Unlocking Letters and Sounds Handwriting. This term we are looking at number formation mastery. This week we will be consolidating 4 and 5. As part of our revision of common exception words, we will also be practicing writing these words informally throughout the week: her, all, are

This week we will be writing about our senses and what we might see, hear, smell and taste on Beegu’s planet,

We will continue reading one to one with children throughout the week and changing books. Please ensure books are brought in daily. Daffodil will be changing books and visiting the library on Tuesday. Cherry will be changing books on Thursday.

Number fluency
Counting forwards and backwards from any number within 20.
Number recognition within 10 (and 20).
Number formation
Physical counting out so many claps/jumps/stamps
Recognise numbers written as words.
To recall 1 more and 1 less within 10

Main learning
To compare numbers using the language greater than and less than and equal (as well as the symbols >, < and =)
To order non consecutive numbers from smallest to largest. E.g. 3, 7 and 1 would be ordered 1, 3 and 7

PE– SHINE Outside Session – Team Games
Class PE – Fundamental Movement Skills: Footwork Patterns and One Leg Balance
PSHE – We will be learning about different emotions and focusing on how we can tell if someone is feeling sad, worried or upset and how we can help them
Art – We will be drawing self portraits using pastels
R+WV– We will be talking about people that are important to us and who make a difference in our lives.
Computing – We will be using 2Paint in Purple Mash to create artwork to represent autumn. Online safety – we will be talking about how we can name and save our work to show that it belongs to us.
Science – We will be thinking about the weather in each of the seasons and how we would dress for the weather.
History – We will be learning about what life was like for our Grandparents and the toys they might have played with. 

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