Thank you to all the parents that attended the writing information meeting last week. If you were unable to attend there is a link to the presentation below and on the writing section of the website.
Link to Presentation
This Week:
Friday 29th November – SHINE Y2 Dodgeball Tournament (If your child is taking part you will have already been notified)
Coming Up Later This Term:
Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Lunch and Parties
Thursday 19th December 2pm – Carol Service – St Peters Church – Parents Welcome
Friday 20th December – Last Day of Term – Non-Uniform Day and /or Christmas Jumpers
Phonics and Spelling
Writing – Text – ‘Zog and the Flying Doctors’
To design a suitable outfit for Princess Pearl and label it using noun phrases.
To identify persuasive techniques.
To write a letter to the King to persuade him to buy the materials needed to create your outfit design.
Retrieve actions from a text to perform them! E.g. stomped/stomping
Count money -using pounds and pence
Choose notes and coins – substitute and exchange for 10s and 1s
Make the same amount (equal to ) with coins
Compare amounts of money
Calculate with money
Wider Curriculum
Science Enquiry Question Q4 What animals and plants live in our local environment?
Art Creating our 2025 Calendars – 4 Seasons of a tree
Music To keep a steady pulse and to play rhythms together.
To feel the pulse whilst listening and internalise
Geography Using globes and atlases to locate and name the 5 oceans
PE and SHINE PE Lesson 3 – Fundamentals – To develop balance, stability and landing safely.
PSHE Relaxation – breathing exercises
R&WV Advent and getting ready for Christmas – Includes during our Key Stage 1 assembly, a visit from Simon form St Peters’ Church to talk about Advent.
Sycamore Class – Rosa R
Maple Class – Olivia
Willow Class – Raffy
Reading for the Stars – Bronze Award
Sycamore Class – Rosa R Rhea Kofi Rory
Maple Class – Toby Annie
Willow Class – Alba Anna S