Year 1 Learning, Week 4 Term 2

This week we will be going on our local walk around Henleaze on Thursday – please ensure children have warm coats as we will go whatever the weather! Daffodil class are going 1-2pm and Cherry Class are going 2-3pm. Please let the class teacher know if you are available to help. 

Thank you to all the parents that attended the writing information meeting last week. If you were unable to attend there is a link to the presentation below and on the writing section of the website.
Link to Presentation

Thursday 28th November pm – Local walk around Henleaze – Please make sure children have coats
Wednesday 18th December – Xmas lunch and Xmas parties. More details to follow
Thursday 19th December – Carol Service at St Peter’s Church 2pm – parents invited. More details to follow
Friday 20th December – Xmas jumper day
Friday 20th December – last day of school before Xmas holidays.

This week we will be starting our phase 5 learning teaching our new phase 5 sounds ew, oe, au, ey

Common Exception Word to read: looked, called
Spelling Common Exception Words: so, do, some, come 

This week we will be creating a story map of the story ‘Send for Superhero’

We will continue reading one to one with children throughout the week and changing books. Please ensure books are brought in daily. Daffodil will be changing books and visiting the library on Tuesday. Cherry will be changing books on Thursday.

Maths fluency skills:
Ordering numbers to 20 
Recall of number bonds to 10 
No. recognition to 20
Number formation within 20
Addition and subtraction facts within 10

Main learning is our Place Value within 20 unit.  We will learning:
-To use a number line to 20
-To estimate on a number line to 20
-To add within 20 using a number line

Shine PE and Class PE- We will be continuing with fundamental skills practising coordination and combination jumps.
Geography: This week we will be going on a local walk around the community to look at human and physical features.
Music– This week we will be beginning to practise singing Christnmas songs
PSHE: This week we will be looking at ‘What am I like’
Online safety – following on from our ‘Friendship Week’ we will be talking about how to be kind online as well as in real life.
DT: This week we will be exploring joining techniques. 

Computing – We will be introducing venn diagrams and using Purple Mash to try sorting different 2D shapes on a venn diagram.

R+WV – We will be learning about advent and some of the ways that Christians mark advent.

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