- On Thursday, you should have recieved an email telling you what your child will be in the nativity and if you need to provide anything for their costume. Please let your child’s class teacher know ASAP if you did not receive an email.
- Please alert your child’s class teacher when your child has filled up one side of their bookmark.
- Thank you to all the parents that attended the writing information meeting last week. If you were unable to attend there is a link to the presentation below and on the writing section of the website. Link to Presentation
- Please find the lunch menu by clicking here.
- Please use the school calendar to find up-coming dates (including our Nativity performance and carol service).
- Please make sure your child has a coat in school every day. We will go outside even when it is cold and raining.
- Please do not allow your child to play with the resources that are on the Reception patio in the morning. These have been carefully positioned and are there to support your child’s learning during the school day.
The children have been working together like the ELLI Teamwork Bee to practice the Reception Nativity this week. Adults walking past rehearsals have commented on their amazing singing. They are so excited to perform it to you soon! Alongside this, the children have enjoyed learning about tangrams in Maths.
Tapestry observation request
The focus this week is Literacy.
We would love to see some perfectly-formed handwriting this week! Please send in a photo of your child writing their name, where they have tried really hard with the correct letter formation. This could be with a colourful felt pen, on a label, note, card or even large scale with a paintbrush – as long as they have started in the right place and formed each letter correctly! Please use the information on the handwriting section of the writing page of the school website.
You can also send us any moments that you feel are significant in your child’s learning or want to share with your child’s class teachers. Click the links below to find out how to add observations from different devices.
Apple device Andriod device Desktop
Star of the Week
Daisy Class – Evelyn
Buttercup Class – Ellis
This week’s learning
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This week, the children will be learning about being unique.
Communication and Language
We will continue to enjoy our book Bee and Me. The children will also be enjoying the new Christmas role play areas in their classrooms.
We will continue to share the All About Me Box.
We will be listening carefully and learning the words to the songs for our Nativity play, including these Makaton signs:
stable angel night
Word of the Week: collaborate
This week in Phonics, we will be learning the graphemes/ phonemes: oo (as in book and as in moon), or, ar, ur
And the common exception words: they, all
We will practise blending phonemes to read, and segmenting words to spell them using the phonemes and graphemes we have learned so far.
Writing: We will be practising our letter formation for some special seasons writing.
This week, the children will be introduced to 0. Now the children have a good understanding of numbers to 5, we will introduce 0 as it is a number representing an empty quantity. The children will be comparing numbers from 0-5 and thinking about different representations.
Understanding the World
We will be introducing the school online safety rules this week. We will aslo be talking about how the internet can be a good source of information and making sure that children know to only say and do kind things online, like in real life.
Expressive arts and Design
We will continue Nativity rehearsals and we will be making Christmas cards.