It is now officially December! Please see below for upcoming Christmas dates.
Please can you send in boxes etc for DT: we are creating buildings of Henleaze High Street. Please send in Monday 2nd December.
Diary dates
Wednesday 18th December – Xmas lunch and Xmas parties. More details to follow
Thursday 19th December – Carol Service at St Peter’s Church 2pm – parents invited. More details to follow
Friday 20th December – Xmas jumper day
Friday 20th December – last day of school before Xmas holidays.
Monday 6th January – INSET day – school closed to children.
Tuesday 7th December – children start back to school
This week we will be learning the phase 5 sounds known as ‘split digraphs’
a-e (cake), e-e (concrete), i-e (pine) , o-e (bone)
Spelling Common Exception Words: were there one little
This week we will writing the story of ‘Send for a Superhero!’ and including our own character at the end.
We will continue reading one to one with children throughout the week and changing books. Please ensure books are brought in daily. Daffodil will be changing books and visiting the library on Tuesday. Cherry will be changing books on Thursday.
Maths fluency skills:
Ordering numbers to 20
Recall of number bonds to 10
No. recognition to 20
Number formation within 20
Recall of 1 more/less within 20
Addition facts within 10
Main learning is our Place Value within 20 unit. We will learning
-To add and subtract within 20 using a number line
-To use number bonds to 10 add 3 single digit numbers efficiently
Wider Curriculum
Shine PE and Class PE- We will be continuing with fundamental skills practising coordination and combination jumps.
Geography: drawing a map of our playground. Can you include compass points and a key?
Science: This week we will be continuing to think about the different animal classifications and looking at how they are similar and different. We will be using a venn diagram to represent this information
Music– This week we will be continue to practise singing Christmas songs
PSHE: This week we will be thinking about healthy bedtime routines.
DT: This week we will creating a junk model building of something seen in Henleaze.
R+WV – We will be learning about how Christians celebrate Christmas and the different customs and traditions there are around the world.