Please follow the link if you have not already to the presentation below to go on the writing section of the website to see the presentation about how we can all help our children to develop their writing skills.
Link to Presentation
This Week:
Wednesday 4th December – Year 2 Choir Performance at Henleaze Festival – 4pm (Only members of the choit to perform but all welcome to come and watch and support)
Coming Up Later This Term:
Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Lunch and Parties
Thursday 19th December 2pm – Carol Service – St Peters Church – Parents Welcome – There will be a retiring collection for St Peters church at the end of the service
Friday 20th December – Last Day of Term – Non-Uniform Day and /or Christmas Jumpers
Term 3:
Monday 6th January – INSET day – school closed to children.
Tuesday 7th December – children start back to school
Phonics and Spelling
Use Julia Donaldson’s ‘Stickman‘ as our inspiration and hook.
Look at her use of similes and Character Description.
Practice use of subordinating and co-ordinating conjunctions
Use expanded noun phrases to describe and specify, e.g. adjectives to describe nouns
Solving riddles is a form of inference
Phonics and blending assessments
Make a pound
Find change when giving coins or notes larger than the amount needed
Two step problems to solve using money
Assessment of our work on money and it’s application
Wider Curriculum
SHINE/PE Lesson 4 Fundamentals – To explore and develop jumping, hopping and skipping actions.
PSHE Steps to Success
Science Q5 What are food chains? How are they connected?
Music L6 Little Donkey – To play a tuned percussion instrument to accompany a known song
R&WV Assessment – Celebrations and Festivals in different faiths
Geography To understand the location of hot and cold countries around the world.
Sycamore Class – Rory
Maple Class – Clara
Willow Class – Cicco
Reading For The Stars
Bronze Award
Sycamore Class – Yoav Teo
Maple Class – Assaf Jake Josh
Willow Class – Megan Danyssa