Year 2 Learning. Term 2, Week 6

Well done to the Year 2 Choir who sang beautifully to open the Henleaze Festival.
We were all very proud of you!

‘Rock Steady Band’ Lessons Opportunity

On Friday, as part of our new partnership, we had a visit from the Rocksteady Music School. We enjoyed a special assembly together where Zac taught us all about the different instruments you may find in a band. We also had a workshop where the children got to experience what it was like to be in a band (even Miss Ross had a go!) The children were given a letter to bring home which includes additional information about the opportunity for a range of instrument lessons starting in February next year. These band lessons are offered on a first come first served basis and can be booked via the website.

Next week we will have a sign up sheet on our patios for food contributions for our Christmas Parties on Wednesday 18th December (Final week). An email has been sent out regarding children with specific allergies.

Coming Up Next Week:

In the final week as part of our DT curriculum we will be baking Christmas Biscuits.
Here is a list of the ingredients we will be using. Please let your class teacher if there are any concerns with allergies (Children already known to us on our Medical lists have already been catered for but teachers may check in with these parents before we bake):
Self-Raising Flour
Cinnamon Spice
Ginger Spice
Caster Sugar

Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Lunch and Parties – Sign up sheets will be available this week on patios to sign up for food and drink contributions.
Thursday 19th December 2pm – Carol Service – St Peters Church – Parents Welcome – There will be a retiring collection for CASH donations for St Peters church at the end of the service
Friday 20th December – Last Day of Term – Non-Uniform Day and /or Christmas Jumpers
Term 3:
Monday 6th January – INSET day – school closed to children.
Tuesday 7th January – Children start back to school
Friday 24th January – INSET day – school closed to children.

Phonics and Spelling

This our last formal phonics session. The remainder of the term will be reteaching sessions in each class where assessments have shown the need to revisit specific phonemes and graphemes. Next term there will be a greater focus on spelling, with a recap of our phonics and we will be following a programme called ‘Essential Spelling’


Writing the inside messages of our Christmas Cards
Writing to the Reception Children to thank them for inviting us to their Nativity performance and to describe our favourite parts!
Make a Geography Knowledge wheel of all the parts of our belonging with in a Class, School, Country, UK, Continent, World.

Reading and Phonics assessment. Christmas Reading Comprehension Task.

Recognise 2D and 3D shapes
Count sides on 2D shapes
Count vertices on 2D shapes
Draw 2D shapes
Lines of symmetry on shapes

Art Design and make a Christmas Card
Science Q6 Why do plants and animals need each other?
PSHE Developing a growth mindset
PE/SHINE To develop coordination and combing jumps.
Computing Complete Coding Unit of work on Purple Mash

There was Celebration Assembly this week so Bronze certificates for reading will be given out next week.

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