Reception – Term 2, Week 6

Next week we will have a sign up sheet on our patios for food contributions for our Christmas Parties on Wednesday 18th December (Final week). An email has been sent out regarding children with specific allergies.

  • Please alert your child’s class teacher when your child has filled up one side of their bookmark. 
  • Please find the lunch menu by clicking here. 
  • Please use the school calendar to find up-coming dates (including our Nativity performance and carol service).
  • Please make sure your child has a coat in school every day. We will go outside even when it is cold and raining.
  • Please do not allow your child to play with the resources that are on the Reception patio in the morning. These have been carefully positioned and are there to support your child’s learning during the school day.

Last Friday, our Christmas decorations and Christmas role play areas went up in classrooms. Children have loved writing Christmas cards to put in the post box, as well as weighing presents to send! A large part of our week has been practising the Nativity.

The focus this week is Expressive Arts and Design. 

If you are doing any Christmas craft at home, please send us a picture so we can celebrate it in school.

You can also send us any moments that you feel are significant in your child’s learning or want to share with your child’s class teachers.

Click the links below to find out how to add observations from different devices. 

Apple device Andriod device Desktop

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This week we are learning to talk about our own interests and to share these interests with the group.

Communication and Language

We will be listening to our key text: “Spinderella” by Julia Donaldson and Sebastien Braun.

We will continue to share the All About Me Box.

We will be listening carefully and singing the words to the songs for our Nativity play.

Physical development

We will be continuing to focus on our fine motor skills, using play dough and threading in the classroom and having opportunities for climbing, digging and skipping outside. 


This week in Phonics, we will be learning to read words which end in – ing (with no change to the root word)

For our writing, we will be writing the inside of Christmas cards. 


This week, we will be thinking about how numbers 1 to 5 are represented and identifying 1 more/1 less than numbers to 5. 

Understanding the World

We will be learning all about spiders this week, discussing things we already know and learning new facts about them.

Expressive arts and Design

We will be drawing seasons pictures and making them into a calendar. 

Religion and Worldviews

This week, we will be performing our nativity Play on Wednesday – we look forward to seeing you there.

We will also be assessing the children’s learning over the past weeks for our big question: “Who are we?”

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