Year 2 Learning. Term 2, Week 7

In this final week as part of our DT curriculum we will be baking Christmas Biscuits.
Here is a list of the ingredients we will be using. Please let your class teacher if there are any concerns with allergies (Children already known to us on our Medical lists have already been catered for but teachers may check in with these parents before we bake):
Self-Raising Flour
Cinnamon Spice
Ginger Spice
Caster Sugar

Wednesday 18th December – Children can wear sensible home clothes ready for the party all day –Christmas Lunch and Parties – Please bring in your contributions on Wednesday morning into class. Make sure any plates or containers are named.
During the afternoon the children will be an audience for the Staff Panto of ‘Cinderella’!
Thursday 19th December 2pm – Carol Service – St Peters Church – Parents Welcome – Please remember to let class teachers know via class emails if you are available to help walk down to the church from 1:40pm. There will be a retiring collection for CASH donations for St Peters church at the end of the service
Friday 20th December – Last Day of Term – Non-Uniform Day and /or Christmas Jumpers

Term 3:
Monday 6th January – INSET day – school closed to children.
Tuesday 7th January – Children start back to school
Friday 24th January – INSET day – school closed to children

‘Rock Steady Band’ Lessons Opportunity
Last week we had a visit from the Rocksteady Music School. We enjoyed a special assembly together where Zac taught us all about the different instruments you may find in a band. We also had a workshop where the children got to experience what it was like to be in a band (even Miss Ross had a go!) The children were given a letter to bring home which includes additional information about the opportunity for a range of instrument lessons starting in February next year. These band lessons are offered on a first come first served basis and can be booked via the website.

Write out the ingredients and make a Merry Christmas Label for Christmas Biscuits
Make a place mat for Christmas Parties

Use lines of symmetry to complete shapes
Sort 2D shapes
Count faces on 3-D shapes
Christmas Maths Activities – Connected to shape work

DT Discuss and learn about Food Hygiene. Children the help to prepare the classroom. Weigh out ingredients as part of a smaller group and make biscuits, sharing out the different roles.
Package up completed biscuits when cool to take home as a gift for family.
Music Take part in singing as a chorus in our school Carol Service.
PSHE Healthy Diet
Computing Assessment of Coding Unit
PE Assessment of Fundamental Unit
SHINE Team games and Christmas related Activities
R+WV ‘Christmas in a Box’ Whole school to move around the school and learn about the Christian Story of Christmas by sharing stories, activities and some keepsakes to bring home.
Class Assembly The celebration of Hannukah and who celebrates this special festival? Maple class to have a talk form Assaf’s mum as they will be celebrating Hannukah as others in our class may be celebrating Christmas.

Sycamore Class- Lillybet
Willow Class- Charlotte
Maple Class- Albie

Reading for the Stars

Sycamore Class- Alex
Willow Class- Cicco Laurie Freddy
Maple Class- Olivia Sully Georgia

Willow Class- Amelie Soroosh
Maple Class- Jasper

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