Year 1 Learning, Week 7 Term 2

Happy Christmas everyone! We hope you enjoy the break and we look forward to seeing everyone well rested in the new year!

Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Lunch and Parties – if you haven’t already please sign up to bring something on the sheets available on patios. Please then send items in on Wednesday morning. NEW: Children can wear party clothes all day!
Thursday 19th December 2pm – Carol Service – St Peters Church – Parents Welcome – There will be a collection for CASH donations for St Peters church at the end of the service
Friday 20th December – Last Day of Term – Non-Uniform Day and/or Christmas Jumpers
Term 3:
Monday 6th January – INSET day – school closed to children.
Tuesday 7th January – Children start back to school
Friday 24th January – INSET day – school closed to children.
NEW DATE: We have set the date for our Year 1 performance as we know people want to be able to arrange time off work. Wednesday 26th March 9:30am (usually approx 45mins)

This week we will be revising phase 5 phonemes taught so far and completing individual assessments. Your child may receive focus sounds to practise over the holidays.
Spelling Common Exception Words: revising of all this term in daily spelling recap sessions

This week we will be using our very best handwriting to write the insides of our special Christmas cards. 

We will continue reading one to one with children throughout the week and changing books. Please ensure books are brought in daily. Daffodil will be changing books and visiting the library on Tuesday. Cherry will be changing books on Thursday. Children will have the usual books sent home over the Xmas break. Please keep up with daily reading. Remember-you could be earning your silver reading award by now.

Maths fluency skills:
Ordering numbers to 20 
Recall of number bonds to 10 
No. recognition to 20
Number formation within 20
Recall of 1 more/less within 20
Addition and subtraction facts within 10
Main learning is about 3D and 2D shape:
-To recognise and name 3D shapes
-To describe 3D shapes using mathematical vocabulary, such as edges, vertices/vertex (corners), faces, flat, curved
-To recognise and name 2D shapes
-To describe 2D shapes using mathematical vocabulary.
-To sort 2D and 3D shapes in different ways using 1 criterion

Shine PE and Class PE- We will be continuing with fundamental skills and having a go at some Christmas themed yoga.
Science: This week we will be continuing to learn about animals and will be thinking about why we as humans are also animals. We will also be identifying our 5 senses.
Music– This week we will be continue to practise singing Christmas songs
PSHE: This week we will be thinking about effective handwashing.
Art: Birds’ eye view snowman pictures, and magic keys for your Christmas trees!
R+WV – We have a very exciting whole school event: Christmas in a box!

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