School Starts : Tuesday 7th January
Welcome back and welcome to 2025!
Thank you all so much for all the kind words and gifts at the end of last term. We all hope all of you were able to have some memory making family times, celebrations and a rest….we have a very exciting term ahead…so we will launch straight into it!!!
As part of our R+WV learning this week we are inviting children to bring in a book from home that is special to them. Please discuss with your child why they have chosen this book to bring so that they are able to tell the class – we won’t be reading them but we will ask children to share why it is special to them. They might have chosen a book that is important to their religion, a traditional story from another country (that they or their family are from), a book that reminds them of someone or just their favourite story.
‘Rock Steady Band’ Lessons Opportunity
Last week we had a visit from the Rocksteady Music School. We enjoyed a special assembly together where Zac taught us all about the different instruments you may find in a band. We also had a workshop where the children got to experience what it was like to be in a band (even Miss Ross had a go!) The children were given a letter to bring home which includes additional information about the opportunity for a range of instrument lessons starting in February next year. These band lessons are offered on a first come first served basis and can be booked via the website.
Monday 6th January – INSET day – school closed to children.
Tuesday 7th January – Children start back to school
Friday 24th January – INSET day – school closed to children
Wednesday 26th March, 9:30am – We have set the date for our Year 1 performance as we know people want to be able to arrange time off work. (usually approx 45mins)
This week we will be revising phase 5 phonemes taught so far and becoming masters in ay,ou, ie, ea
Spelling Common Exception Words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
This week we will be writing our New Year Resolutions and Wishes for 2025.
We will continue reading one to one with children throughout the week and changing books. Please ensure books are brought in daily. Daffodil will be changing books and visiting the library on Tuesday. Cherry will be changing books on Thursday. Children will have the usual books sent home over the Xmas break. Please keep up with daily reading. Remember-you could be earning your silver reading award by now.
Maths fluency skills:
Recall of number bonds to 10
No. recognition to 20
Number formation within 20
Recall of 1 more/less within 20
Addition and subtraction facts within 10
Main learning is Addition and Subtraction within 20:
We will be recapping how to use a number line to add and subtract numbers within 20 by counting on or counting backwards.
We will then be looking at how to derive our number bonds to 20 using our knowledge of our number bonds to 10.
Support at home: Being fluent at recalling number bonds to 10 will support your child with our learning around number bonds to 20. To support with this please play hit the button to practise their recall of number bonds to 10. Click on the image below and change the settings to ‘make 10’
Wider Curriculum
Shine PE
Science: We are moving onto learning about ‘Materials’ in science. We will be focusing on identifying objects made from metal, fabric, plastic, wood, glass, rock, paper and cardboard. You can support with this at home by discussing what different objects around your house are made of.
PSHE: This week we will be thinking about sun safety.
Art: This week we will produce a cold scene, selecting appropriate colours. Looking at the styles of Edgar A Whitney & Zoltan Szabo
Geography:This week we will be looking at different countries and areas within the UK.
R+WV – Our new big question for R+WV is ‘Why are some stories special?’. We are starting this off my inviting children to bring in a story that is special to them to share with the class.