The children all came back with great enthusiasm and excitement about their learning last week. It was so great to see just how excited they are about our new theme, Space and how many facts they have already started to accumulate. Thank you for supporting this at home.
Friday 24th January – INSET day – school closed to children
Thursday 30th January – Y2 Maths Learn Along (9-9:30am) – Stay and come into class to join in with the start of a maths lesson. (Similar idea to the Phonics Learn along in T1)
Wednesday 29th January – 7-8pm – Smart phone safety session – alongside the Juniors we are holding an online session, where the speaker will be talking about smart phone safety (more information was in the newsletter)
Class Text: ‘Look up’ by Nathan Bryan
Revise oi and oy
Spelling of Y2 Common Exception Words
Diary writing from the ‘Look Up’ characters perspectives. First of all research different examples of diary entries to see how they are written and what we may include.
Include the use of time conjunctions.
Hot seat characters from story to help with the vocabulary from the story that we may include.
A focus on vocabulary and prediction – Looking for clues within the text which can help us to predict what will happen next.
Being sure that we fully understand the vocabulary used in a text to help with fluency and comprehension.
Number Sense and Facts sessions each afternoon (10 mins)
Main Sessions:
Make patterns with 2D and 3D shapes
End of Shape unit of work assessment and then a chance to address any gaps or misconceptions
Addition – Using all strategies taught so far and using to solve 2 step word problems
Wider Curriculum
Science Q2 What are materials used for? Continuing with enquiry from last week, looking at everyday materials and their properties and uses.
PSHE Safety and looking after ourselves: Lesson 1,Introduction to the internet.
DT RESEARCH Skills session – How to use wheels and axels. How do these work together to make a vehicle move?
PE To develop an understanding of dynamics and how they can show an idea. Reading for the Stars and Star of the week assembly will resume next week.
History 1 Start task – Timelines and chronology – Use previous learning to assess understanding and concept of a timeline and to discuss what it shows us about the passing of time.
R+WV Enquiry Question – Who is Jesus?
Music Starting Assessment – Looking at Pitch. Can you tell if a pitch of a note is higher or lower than a previous note?
SHINE PE To co-operate and communicate in a small group to solve challenges.
Computing Understanding the internet and searching using Purple Mash