Year 1 Learning, Term 3 Week 2

We have had a fantastic first week back. The children have all come back seeming refreshed and ready for the new term. We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and new year.

Friday 24th January – INSET day – school closed to children.
Wednesday 29th January (7-8pm) – Smart phone safety session – alongside the Juniors we are holding an online session, where the speaker will be talking about smart phone safety (more information was in the newsletter)
Wednesday 26th March, 9:30am – We have set the date for our Year 1 performance as we know people want to be able to arrange time off work. (usually approx 45mins)
Friday 14th February – last day of school before half term

This week we will be looking at mastery of Phase 5a sounds taught so far.

This week we will be beginning our new text: Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish! By Michael Foremen. Children will be exploring vocabulary meaning and application in a sentence: coal, pylon, telegraph pole, admire, scent and blade of grass. They will be writing ‘bossy’ instructions to the dinosaurs, instructing them on how to clean up the world e.g. First, rake the soil. 

We continue to combine individual reading with guided reads. Please keep up with daily reading at home and record each time your child reads by making a short dated comment in the yellow reading log and ticking off your child’s book mark. Reading diaries are being checked for engagement at home and we will reach out if your child needs further support with out of school reading practice.

Maths fluency skills:
Recall of number bonds to 10 
No. recognition to 20
Number formation within 20
Recall of 1 more/less within 20
Addition and subtraction facts within 10

Main learning is Addition and Subtraction within 20:
We will be looking at doubling numbers this week and that this means adding numbers of an equal size. We will then be looking at how to identify if a number is odd or even.

Support at home: To support with this please play hit the button to recalling doubles (to 10 then 20). Click the image below:

Shine PE & class PE – a dance session and a team building session.

Science: We are moving onto learning about ‘Materials’ in science. We will be focusing on identifying objects made from metal, fabric, plastic, wood, glass, rock, paper and cardboard.

PSHE: This week we will be learning about allergies.

Art: creating art in the style of Tinga Tinga, a tropical jungle scene.

R+WV – Our new big question for R+WV is ‘Why are some stories special?’. We look at stories special to Muslims this week and their special holy book, the Quran.

Geography-children will continue learning about the countries in the United Kingdom.

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