Year 2 Learning, Term 3, Week 3

School Closed to children this Friday 24th January, INSET Day

This Week:
Thursday 23rd January – 3-320pm – PSHE Curriculum – ‘Safety and the Changing Body’ An Information meeting for Parents concerning how the unit of our changing bodies and the vocabulary to be taught. More information has been sent via email.
Friday 24th January – INSET day – school closed to children

Thursday 30th January – Y2 Maths Learn Along (9-9:30am) – Stay and come into class to join in with the start of a maths lesson. (Similar idea to the Phonics Learn along in T1)
Wednesday 5th February – 7-8pm – Smart phone safety session – alongside the Juniors we are holding an online session, where the speaker will be talking about smart phone safety (more information was in the newsletter) 


  • Add -ed and -ing without changing root
  • Adding -ed to words ending in e
  • Adding -ing to words ending in e

Non-Fiction Focus – Retrieval
Space focus Significant individuals including; Mae Jemison, Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake – Reading comprehensions at various levels

Information gathering and research –  Comparing Mae Jemison and Tim Peake
Make notes from a video whilst watching.
Create a simple fact sheet using the information gathered.
Grammar Present tense and Adverbs

Daily Number Sense and Fact Recall

Introduction to Multiplication
Recognise equal groups
Make equal groups
Add equal groups or Repeated addition (2+2= 4, 2×2=4)

PSHE Safety Lesson 2: Communicating
Science Q3 What happens when we squash, bend, twist or stretch a material?
History To research the history of  space travel and sequence events on a timeline
DT Design a moving vehicle using wheels and axels – mars rover, using the research from last week.
R+WV Jesus welcomes children
Music Chronology: lesson 1: To listen and respond to music from the Renaissance era verbally and through dance.
PE To create a plan with a group to solve the challenges.
SHINE PE Dance Lesson 2.

Bronze Award
Maple Class
Willow Class Daniel

Silver Award
Sycamore Class Imogen
Willow Class Dany Alex

Maple Class Lucas
Sycamore Class Bella
Willow Class Sasha

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