Year 1 Learning, Week 3 Term 3

School Closed to children this Friday 24th January, INSET Day

This Week:
Thursday 23rd January – 3-320pm – PSHE Curriculum – ‘Safety and the Changing Body’ An Information meeting for Parents concerning how the unit of our changing bodies and the vocabulary to be taught. More information has been sent via email.
Friday 24th January – INSET day – school closed to children
Wednesday 26th March, 9:30am – We have set the date for our Year 1 performance as we know people want to be able to arrange time off work. (usually approx 45mins)

Daffodil class update:
We have a teacher in training with us now. Miss Harland will be spending time getting to know the children and working with small groups and individuals before supporting the class with whole class teaching. Please do say hello in the mornings and at drops off so that she can get to know our families.

Red January:
Daffodil class have decided that they want to have a daily 5 minute dance challenge . We will be freestyle dancing to our favourite songs to boost our physical and mental well being.
If your child has a particular fast paced song they like to move to, please do let us know as we will try and incorporate it into the Daffodil ‘set’.

This week we will be looking at mastery of Phase 5a sounds taught so far. This week we will be becoming masters of aw, wh, ph and ew.

This week we will be retelling the story of Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish! By Michael Foremen. Children will be making story maps to help support their story retell towards the end of the week. 

We continue to combine individual reading with guided reads. Please keep up with daily reading at home and record each time your child reads by making a short dated comment in the yellow reading log and ticking off your child’s book mark. Reading diaries are being checked for engagement at home and we will reach out if your child needs further support with out of school reading practice.

Maths fluency skills:
Recall of number bonds to 10  and 20
Partitioning into tens and ones (within 50)
Number recognition within 50
Number formation within 50
Recall of 1 more/less within 20
Addition and subtraction facts within 10

Main learning week is place value within 50
This week we will be moving onto partitioning numbers within 50 into tens and ones.
We will be representing numbers using base 10 (as below).

We will also be representing numbers using the line and dot method. With children drawing lines to represent the tens and dots to represent the ones:

Shine PE – dance
Class PE – To explore and develop working as a team.
Science: Materials – We will be focusing on describing materials according to their properties, e.g. hard, soft, stretchy, stiff, rough, smooth, transparent and opaque.
PSHE: This week we will be learning about people who keep us healthy
Art: We will be exploring line drawing and different Artists who have created art through a continuous line. 
R+WV – We are continuing to look at special stories; this week we will be focusing on The Night of Power from Islam.
Geography-children will be labeling countries and capital cities of the UK.

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