‘Be Kind, Be Curious, Be You’


We need small boxes and cardboard for our latest DT project. These could include delivery, cereal, shoe and egg boxes.

- add -er and -est to words ending in e.
- add -y to words ending in e.
- add -ed to words ending in y.
To wire a non-chronological report – comparing Mae Jemison and Tim Peake using research from last week
Titles, Pictures and Sub-Headings
Opening questions
Concluding exclamatory sentence
Subordinating and coordinating conjunctions to join information and give reasons
Handwriting – Continue introducing and using joins
Main Skill – Retrieval
Non-Fiction – Moon landing focus

**Thursday – You are all invited to join us for our maths learn along in class at 9am**
Introduce the multiplication symbol
Multiplication sentences
Use arrays
Make equal groups – grouping and sharing

Wider Curriculum
PE To communicate effectively and develop trust.
SHINE/DANCE To copy, remember and repeat actions using facial expressions to show different characters.
PSHE Safety and the changing body: Lesson 3: Secrets and surprises
R+WV Stories from the Bible, Jesus calming the storm
Computing Searching the internet safely
History To learn about the history of space travel and to sequence main events on a timeline. Make relationship with Y1 timeline and look at Brunel time in relation to space travel
Music Chronology lesson 2 To listen and respond to music from the Baroque period. To recognise some of the instruments of the period.
DT To start to make a moving product using levers, sliders, wheels and/or axle using their design of a Mars Rover from last week.
Science Q4. What is it made from?