Be Kind, Be Curious, Be You!

Thank you to all who attended our Maths Learn-A-long last week. It was great to see so many of you and it was a lovely shared experience and hopefully you were able to learn something too!

Our Online Safety parents information will now take place in April. More details will be given nearer the time on here and sooner via our Parent COMMS. Sorry for any confusion over the dates of this meeting.
Next Term-Advance Warning!
Year 2 Space WOW day will take place on Thursday 27th February (Term 4, Week 1). There will be many different activities taking place and the children are invited (if they wish) to dress up with the space theme.

- Review of plurals adding -s or -es with no changes to the root word
- Irregular plurals
- Teach plurals of words ending in -y
Texts: ‘The way back home’ and ‘How to catch a star’ –By Oliver Jeffers (Two books by the same author)
Write a Newspaper article about the boy getting stranded on the moon.
Plan and write a newspaper report
Handwriting – Continue learning cursive script and joins
Singular possessive apostrophe
Commas to separate items in a list
Poetry – This is a two-week unit. The unit is set in the context of the classic poem ‘The Quangle Wangle’s Hat’ by Edward Lear. Focus on the poem and a formal letter for summarising and retrieval.

Daily Numbersense sessions
Make equal groups – sharing (x2 lessons)
Look at the 2x table – How does this help us with division?
Divide by 2
Doubling and halving
Wider Curriculum
Science – Q5. What’s the most absorbent material?
DT – MAKE – Complete the ‘Make’ stage of a moving product using levers, sliders, wheels and/or axles – Mars Rover
PE – To explore pathways and levels.
SHINE PE – Dance- To use teamwork skills to work as a group to solve problems.
PSHE – Safety and the changing body: Lesson 4: Appropriate contact, my private parts
R+WV – Bible Story: Jesus feeding the 5000
Computing – Sharing knowledge of the internet and effective searching
History – To understand changes within living memory.
Reading for the Stars
Bronze Award
Maple Class – Milana
Sycamore Class – Archie
Silver Award
Maple Class – Annie Zoe Georgia Olivia
Willow Class – Patrick Cameron Thea
Sycamore Class – Alfred Toby Sylvie Phoebe
Gold Award
Maple Class – Jasper
Willow Class – Amelie Saroosh

Maple Class – Zoe
Sycamore Class – Alex
Willow Class – Anna S