Reception – Term 3, Week 4

  • Wednesday 29th January – We are going on a walk around the local area. Please ensure that your child has a warm, waterproof coat and sensible footwear. 
  • Wednesday 29th January – 7-8pm – Smart phone safety session – alongside the Juniors we are holding an online session, where the speaker will be talking about smart phone safety (more information was in the newsletter)  
  • Please alert your child’s class teacher when your child has filled up one side of their bookmark. 
  • In the final week before Christmas, we sent out Term 2 of your child’s learning diary on Tapestry. Please celebrate the learning your child has been doing in school with them by sharing the observations. 
  • Please find the lunch menu by clicking here. 
  • Please use the school calendar to find up-coming dates. 
  • Please make sure your child has a coat in school every day. We will go outside even when it is cold and raining.
  • Please do not allow your child to play with the resources that are on the Reception patio in the morning. These have been carefully positioned and are there to support your child’s learning during the school day.

The children continued to be immersed in our book Martha Maps It Out and loved creating a whole class map of the school building. Every child contributed to their class map. We also continued to hear about different peoples jobs within the community and invited in a doctor and a police officer to tell us about what they do.

Tapestry observation request 

The focus this week is Literacy. We would love to see your child using their phonics to write some labels for things in your home (could be a photo of an object with their writing on a piece of paper or post-it note, or labels written on a whiteboard) eg box, chair, shelf. 

You can also send us any moments that you feel are significant in your child’s learning or want to share with your child’s class teachers. Click the links below to find out how to add observations from different devices. 

 Apple device Andriod device Desktop

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Children will be reflecting on the last two lessons where they were given problem solving tasks. They will be asked how they felt when they came across a problem. We will be practising some grounding techniques to help us when we need to regulate our emotions.

Communication and Language

Our focus text will be Clean Up!

We always encourage the children to engage in story times and non-fiction books in these ways:

Listen to and talk about stories to build familiarity and understanding. 

Ask questions to find out more and to check they understand what is being said. 

Articulate their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences. 

Connect one idea or action to another using a range of connectives. 

Describe some events in detail. 

Word of the Week: rhythm



Physical development

We will be developing our jumping skills through the theme of space explorers. 


This week in Phonics, we will be revisiting the graphemes/ phonemes: j,  v,   w,   x 

And the common exception word: me

We will practise blending phonemes to read, and segmenting words to spell them using the phonemes and graphemes we have learned so far.

Writing:  We will be using our phonics learning to write a list of different jobs people do.


This week, we will be learning about pairs and doubles. The children will also be introduced to odd and even numbers, noticing that odd numbers do not have a pair. 

Understanding the World

Children will be doing some field work this week. They will be thinking like geographers and observing maps of the local area, plotting key features like the doctors, supermarket and library and then as a whole class we will be walking around the local area spotting the amenities. 

Expressive arts and Design

Children will be learning all about Chinese New Year this week and then they will be making their own dragon masks. 

Religion and Worldviews

Continuing our big question, “Why are some times special?” We will be learning about the festival of the Lunar New Year, including watching dragon and lion dances and making our own masks.

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