Please can you bring in any junk modelling resources that would help support our DT lessons in designing houses for the Three little Pigs e.g. waterproof materials, any transparent materials (used for windows) cardboard boxes etc.

Diary dates
Wednesday 26th March, 9:30am – We have set the date for our Year 1 performance as we know people want to be able to arrange time off work. (usually approx 45 mins)
Friday 16th May – Year 1 trip to the SS Great Britain. More details to follow via email
This week we will be looking at mastery of Phase 5a sounds taught so far. This week we will be focusing on:
This week we will be retelling the Traditional Tale of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ Children will be making story maps to help support their story retell towards the end of the week.
We continue to combine individual reading with guided reads. Please keep up with daily reading at home and record each time your child reads by making a short dated comment in the yellow reading log and ticking off your child’s book mark. Reading diaries are being checked for engagement at home and we will reach out if your child needs further support with out of school reading practice.
Maths fluency skills:
Recall of number bonds to 10 and 20
Partitioning into tens and ones (within 50)
Number recognition within 50
Number formation within 50
Recall of 1 more/less within 20
Addition and subtraction facts within 10
Main learning is Place value within 50
This week we will be continuing to think about how to represent numbers to 50 with tens and ones and the line and dot method. We will use this to be able to find 1 more and 1 less than a number as well as 10 and 10 less than a number.
Wider Curriculum
Shine PE – Dance unit
PE – To develop taking, listening and sharing skills when working as a team.
Science: This week we will be talking about what opaque and transparent means. We will be discussing why different objects are made out of opaque or transparent materials and what problems there might be if, for example, we had transparent skin or opaque windows.
PSHE: This week we will be learning about Adults who are not in school or at home, discussing what a stranger means.
DT: We will be designing houses for the Three Little Pigs
R+WV – The Bible – what is it about?