Reception Home Learning – w/c 23.3.20

The planning for the week of the 23rd March 2020, is below. We are hoping that you will be able to complete the specific tasks in each area. Please choose a selection of the suggestions if you would like to. If you or anybody in your family is ill, do not worry if you are not able to do all of this.

Please click here to see home learning guidelines before you begin the tasks.

Please click here for a list of websites to use.

Throughout all of these tasks encourage the children to talk to you about what they are doing. Ask open ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer. Explain the meaning of any new vocabulary. The expectation is that a child will focus and complete each task in one sitting.

Reading tasks
– Watch Handa’s Surprise on YouTube. Click here.
Read it to your child if you have the book. Talk about the story and see if your child can remember the sequence of the animals and which fruit they took. This can be repeated throughout the week.
– Daily blending activities using your own books or the websites we have suggested (Click here for list).
– Practise reading tricky words (Please click here to find it in the shared folder).
– Daily reading and blending activities using the e-books and games in the list below.
Reading suggestions
– Sharing story books – talking about the story and asking questions to develop comprehension skills e.g. what is happening? What is the story about? How are they feeling? What do you think might happen next?
– Play Phase 2/3 games on Phonics Play. This is free due to the ongoing situation. Click here to go directly to the website and follow the instructions.
Writing tasks
– In the blue workbook, write a shopping list of fruits needed to make a fruit salad using avocado, guava, banana, orange, passion fruit, pineapple and mango. Encourage children to listen to the phonemes in the word and write them as they hear them. Please draw lines in your child’s book (portrait).
– Letter formation sheet (c, o, a, d). Please click here to find it in the shared folder.
Writing suggestions
– Name writing – Letter formation copied from name card/from memory.
– Spelling tricky words (Please click here to find it in the shared folder). Practise a few at a time and when they can do it from memory they can move onto the next. Please check children are using correct letter formation. This can be done on the whiteboards. N.B. Some children will be able to spell a few tricky words, other will be able to spell more.
– Writing a diary on paper of activities you’ve done using simple sentences e.g. I went to the park with … / I made a cake with my mum. N.B. The children should not copy the sentence but sound out the words using the phonemes they can hear e.g. I maid a caic with my mum. Encourage children to use the sounds we have learnt. Use the list of tricky words to spell them correctly. If they can read it from the list, they can copy it down. Please draw lines and encourage your child to write on them.
Number tasks
– Daily number games on Number Gym. Please login and click ‘’Bond Builder’. You will need to enter your personal login. Then play games 1-5 in order. Click here to see instructions to log onto Number Gym.
– Daily counting to 20/Daily counting back from 20.
– Daily 1 more/1 less to 20. (E.g. 1 more than 3 is __ / 1 less than 12 is __)
Number suggestions
– Board games such as snakes and ladders, number lotto, dominoes, dice games.
– Number jigsaws.
– Number quizzes.
– Writing number sentences on whiteboards.
Shape and Space tasks
Please complete these tasks in order. We would especially love to see some 2Simple observations of these activities.
– Talk to children about weight using the language light, lighter, lightest, heavy, heavier, and heaviest. Ask children to find and compare the weights of different items around your home. Find an item that is big and light and another that is small and heavy to address the misconception that bigger items are heavier.
– Ask the children to make human balancing scales. They can put an item in each hand and tip depending on which item is heavier. You can use the scales to check if they were right.
– Choose an object e.g. ball. Ask children to sort other items from around the house into two categories: heavier than the ball/lighter than the ball. Again, you could use the scales to check their estimations.
– Using scales, weigh an item e.g. cork. Use a set of lighter items to try and make the same weight e.g. buttons. (You might find that 1 cork weighs the same as 5 buttons). Continue this activity with different items comparing equivalence.
Shape and Space suggestions
– Play shopping games using real money.
– Sorting coins and using 1ps and 2ps to make amounts up to 10.
– Compare weights of the fruit used to make fruit skewers/salad. If you are making a fruit skewer using a pattern e.g. strawberry, grape, banana, strawberry, grape, banana etc.
Understanding the World/Expressive Arts and Design
– Make lolly stick puppets of Handa’s Surprise characters. Find the template in the shared folder, click here.
– Make fruit skewers/salad using your own choice of fruit and talk to your child about their favourite fruit. Use vocabulary to describe it such as juicy, crunch, sweet, sour.  Ask other household members what their favourite fruits are.
– Discuss with your child healthy and unhealthy treats.
Jigsaw – Week 5, Keeping Clean.
– Following our topic of ‘Healthy Me’. Please continue to talk to your child about how to keep healthy and clean e.g. brushing your teeth, brushing your hair, having a bath, hand washing.
Physical Development
We recommend daily physical activity of physical and mental well-being.
Click here to dance along with The Vamps!
– At 9am each day ‘The Body Coach’ will be providing a 30 minute PE session on YouTube. Please see the advert at the bottom of the page.
– Please click here to find ideas to support and continue developing fine motor skills.
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