A very warm welcome to Year 2!
We are all really looking forward to the new school year, starting on Thursday, September 3rd 2020. We have worked really hard in school to create a safe but very much an inviting, creative and fun environment for the children to have the best learning experience.
Things will look and work very differently for us all but we will learn together and change or adapt as we need to, just like the Chameleon! You should have already received a letter stating the times and drop off and collection points. Class 7 will start at 8:45 and finish at 3:15. The children will need to be dropped off and collected at the end of corridor door. This is paramount in managing risk and although we know that some families will have children starting at different times, we will rely on you to support us in managing the contraflow.
We will post the day for your classes designated PE sessions before the start of week 2. This will all be on the class blog.
This will be important as we will now be asking children to wear PE kit for the whole school day on the day of their PE session, so that they do not need to change in school. Children should wear their school sweatshirts and leggings/tracksuit bottoms if it is colder and appropriate footwear, trainers. There will be no PE in week 1.
There will be different choices for lunches this year. The children can have:
- A Packed lunch brought from home in a wipeable, named box.
- A packed lunch option of ham, tuna or cheese wraps with fruit and biscuit/cake/flapjack (provided by school).
- A hot meal (provided by school). We will post the hot meals on our blog when they have been released by Chartwells.
Please can you help your child by making sure they know what they are doing for lunch each day.

What to bring
Please try to keep your child’s bag small as there is not a lot of space for big rucksacks. Their PE kit bag will not be used (as stated above) so this would be a good bag to bring. Your child will not need to bring in a book bag so this should reduce what they are bringing.

Children are asked to bring in a named water bottle and piece of fruit. We will ask the children to keep these in a bag on their peg as we will not be using any communal boxes.
We have also asked you to provide your child with a pencil case so that they will have only use of their own stationary. We just need a named pencil case. We will fill it with stationary!
Our topic and learning
Our topic this term is ‘Knight and Castles!’ We will share more with you about the topic over these early weeks.
Each week you will find information about the week’s learning on the class blog. This will replace our noticeboards outside classrooms as parents will not be able to enter the building. We will post on here other relevant information and Star of the Week etc.
All the information that would have been posted on our notice boards will be on the class blog pages. This is new for all of us so please bear with us!
Year 2 meeting
We will be having a meeting in some form for you about Year 2 very soon but we are still in the process of working out the best way to facilitate this. Watch this space!
We will continue with our online reading provision to start the term using our Pearson subscription. We will use a mixture of this and books in school too. You will be able to carry on with the login you have. If you need a reminder of this please ask your class teacher. Please allow us sometime to settle your children into their new class and we will then look to move any children to new book bands when appropriate. Your child will bring home a log book to record home reading in. This should stay at home and not be brought in daily.

The first couple of weeks will be all about helping your children to settle in and learn the new routines of Year 2.
Have a wonderful end to the summer holidays.
See you on Thursday!
Mrs Bishop and Miss Fitzpatrick