Y2 PE Days and WOW Day

Children need to wear their PE kit for the whole school day on the days of their PE sessions so that they do not have to change in school. Children should wear their school sweatshirts and leggings/tracksuit bottoms if it is colder and appropriate footwear.

There will be no PE in week 1 (w/c 31.8.20).

Class PE Days

Class 7 – Tuesday and Thursday

Class 8 – Tuesday and Friday

Class 9 – Tuesday and Thursday


We will be having a WOW day in Year 2 to help kickstart our new topic. We will invite the children to dress in clothes of the theme ‘Dragons, Knights and Castles’. To follow guidance we ask that children do not bring in any props or masks. Our WOW day will be on:

Wednesday 16th September

Henleaze Infant School © 2025