What a fantastic day we had on our WOW day, the children all looked amazing in their costumes! We were really impressed with their incredible writing in character, we had fierce warrior princesses, brave and powerful knights and brutal dragons! Their brilliant writing has been published and displayed around the school. The team work the children showed to build the medieval castles was excellent, they explored different materials , as well as clay, to compare which would be best to build a strong and stable castle. We ended up with some ruins too!
Term 1 Week 4
In phonics, we will continue to revisit sounds taught at the end of year 1 and practise reading and writing these sounds in words and in sentences. In English we will begin to explore the book ‘Tell Me a Dragon’. The children will get to design their own pet dragon and use adjectives, verbs and conjunctions to create a description of their creature. There will be a focus on consistently punctuating sentences and creating imaginative sentences that are interesting for the reader. This we we are able to start sending books home for children, please check the newsletter for more detail.
In maths we are going to be recapping counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, and start to learn about counting in 3s. We will be spotting patterns and using our knowledge to answer a series of reasoning and problem solving questions including ‘Always, sometimes, never’, true or false and ‘Odd one out’. The children will use resources to support them to count in 3s.
We will be starting our new block of learning about addition and subtraction in the second half of the week. The children will be using the inverse to think of ‘fact families’ and identify all the related facts within 20. We will then use our knowledge of the inverse to develop strategies for checking addition and subtraction.
In History this week we are learning about William the Conqueror, we will be learning about the battle to become king after Edward the Confessor died. In R.E we are continuing with family celebrations and looking at the Christian tradition of Baptism. P.S.H.E will focus on rewards and consequences and how we can work together to build a safe and happy community in and outside of school.
Star of the Week!
Congratulations to
Class 7 – Frankie
Class 8 – Martin
Class 9 – Jack H
For those isolating here is the link to week 4 learning.