Term 2 Week 5


  • We have updated the Amazon wishlist with some items we would like to use in the last few weeks of this term. They are labelled ‘Year 2 Christmas craft’. Thank you in advance, we really appreciate it. Please click here to see the Amazon wishlist. 
  • As Christmas approaches, children will be thinking about writing cards. Due to restrictions this year, we are afraid to say that children won’t be able to swap cards with each other. As an alternative, we have suggested that children write one card to the whole class to display in the classroom. This avoids items going back and forth between homes, reducing the risk of transmission.

Celebrations from week 4

This week we have loved exploring our new class text The Princess and The Pea.  The children have created some wonderful pieces of writing which have echoed the descriptive language in the text as well as writing a persuasive email to the Princess inviting her to a Royal Ball. They thought of delicious sounding feasts and all night discos in order to entice her! In maths the children have been working on creating arrays and counting in 2s and 5s, they have been using lots of concrete resources to support their learning. The children became nature researchers in Geography, gathering facts about Arctic animals to create factual posters about them. 

Week 5


In writing this week we will continue our work on the Princess and the Pea. We will begin with a session of verbal retelling as a class. We will think about what makes a successful retell, as well as making a class story map of the main points of the story. 

The rest of the week will be spent retelling the story in sections, with plenty of time to re-read and edit work. Children will be able to choose their own level of challenge for success criteria:


This week in maths we are continuing our new block of learning about multiplication and division. We are going to be starting to talk about division and sharing in equal groups. For this, the children are going to be doing lots of practical work where they will share counters into equal groups. They will be introduced to the division symbol and write division number sentences using it. We are going to be starting by dividing by 2. Children will use their previous knowledge of multiplication and the 2 times table to support them. We are going to be looking at odd and even numbers and their relationship to the 2 times table.

You can support this at home by sharing food, toys, objects etc between people. For example, if you were eating some raspberries and there are 3 people in your family. First, ask your child how many altogether. Now we are going to share them equally between the 3 of us. How many do we have each? Can you write a division number sentence to show what we have done? Do you know any related multiplication facts too?


In science this week we are exploring ice and its properties. We will also be considering its changing states. We have a rescue mission task to save some explorers who are stuck in an iceberg. What is the quickest way we could melt the ice? We will be carrying out a fairy test to see what will melt the ice the fastest; sugar, salt, a warm area like a hand, a cold area (outside or the fridge), or water.  

In R.E we are recapping what we have learnt so far.

In P.S.H.E we are continuing with friendships and how to spot the signs of bullying. The children will create freeze frames with scenario cards and have discussions about what the different characters in the scene should do. This will lead on to creating 4 different ideas about what they could do if they see someone or themselves are being bullied. 

Stars of the Week

Class 7 Cian

Class 8 Nathan

Class 9 Toby

Click here for this week learning if you are self-isolating.

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