Year 2 Home Learning – Term 3, Week 4 (w.b. 25.1.21)

Please click here to find all of the resources you will need for this week’s learning. There are links to specific folders and resources as you go through the blog. 

Hello Year 2! Well done for another incredible week of home learning! We have been so impressed by the wonderful work coming through to Google Classroom. We are so happy that you are enjoying our exciting topic of Space! Thank you to everyone who joined our meetings this week, we really love seeing you and hearing about how you are getting on. We will once again be asking for three pieces of work and we’re exciting to be wowed once more!

Stories: We are introducing a new story this week: The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers.

The Way Back Home: Jeffers, Oliver, Jeffers, Oliver: Books

You can watch Oliver Jeffers himself reading the story here (start at 4.20) or you can see Brian Cox reading it if you prefer. You can watch Oliver Jeffers reading some of his other books here.

Here is Miss Fitzpatrick reading one of his other books, ‘How to Catch a Star.

You will receive an email with a YouTube message from your child’s class teacher outlining the learning for the week. Please click here to see Mrs Frickers assembly this week.

Here is a suggested timetable:

You can print it here.


Daily Reading for Pleasure

Encourage your child to read for at least 10 minutes each day and choose from a mixture of fiction and non-fiction texts. Try to read each book three times to support your child’s decoding of words, fluency and comprehension of what they have read. 

Click here to go to the Bug Club login page. 

This week once you have read The Way Back Home, can you try retelling the story to someone in your house!

Spelling and Phonics

Below are the resources for daily Spelling or Phonics. If you have been directed by your class teacher, please use the daily phonics lessons below instead of the spelling sessions to best support your child. You will need some lined paper and a pencil for each of these lessons. 


This week in daily spelling we will be learning about adding the suffixes ly, ment and ness to the ends of words and how to use the word endings tion and il.

Click on the days below to take you to the lesson video.







Click on the links below for each phonics lesson and just remember when you are shown a grapheme (letter or group of letters), you say the phoneme (sound) only once.

Monday: Today’s sound is ay like in play

Tuesday: Today’s sound is ou like in cloud. 

Wednesday: Today’s sound is ie like in tie.

Thursday: Today’s sound is ea like in bead.

Friday: Today’s sound is oy like in toy.

Reading comprehension

This week, one of your reading comprehensions is about a poem called The Star’ and the other is all about World Space Week’.

Please use the star ratings to choose an appropriate level for your child (most child should try the 2 star).


Before you start handwriting, please make sure your child does some fine and gross motor warm up activities. Click the links for some ideas: video 1, video 2, video 3, video 4 (for this warm up you will need play dough).
Practise some of the spellings found here in your neatest handwriting. Try joining your handwriting and remember to check if a letter has to be tall or sit under the line. If your child is not yet joining digraphs, you can watch a video lesson here.


In each task, refer to the Year 1 and Year 2 Common Exception Words list:

If your child miss-spells a Year 1 word, please ask them to edit it with a coloured pen (we use purple in school). If your child is confident with the Year 1 words, refer to the Year 2 list. You can also choose a spelling to focus on and write it on a post-it or bit of paper for them to refer to (try just a few at a time).

This week we will be reading and exploring the space themed story ‘The Way Back Home’ by Oliver Jeffers.

The Way Back Home: Jeffers, Oliver, Jeffers, Oliver: Books
Task 1: Learning Objective: Use expanded noun phrases to describe images

Click here for the lesson  PowerPoint, here for the lesson video and here for the task sheet.

Click here to watch a reading of The Way Back Home by Brian Cox.

Click here for the animation on The Way Back Home.

Task 2: Learning Objective: Write a setting description, using expanded noun phrases.

Click here for the lesson and here for the task sheet.

Task 3: Learning Objective: Write a book review on The Way Back Home.

Click here for the lesson. Click here for book review sheets or write your own using the subheadings on the PowerPoint.

You will also find a reduced challenge sheet and extra challenge booklet on the link.


Daily fluency:

Task 1: Fluency with finding quarters and halves.

Tasks 2 and 3: Fluency Videos: 1. Counting Claps 2. 10s and 1s. Please refer back to last week’s videos if your child enjoyed this sort of practise.

On the other two days, continue to use Number Gym. Please continue playing ‘Bond Builder’ and carry on with the ‘Mental Maths Challenge’.

Please click here to see instructions for how to use Number Gym. If you have any issues, please contact your class teacher. 


Click here to see all the resources for this week. Teaching videos are available for each of the three tasks but you can use the original PowerPoints if you prefer.

Flashback4 sheets are no longer available. You will find the Flashback4 at the beginning of each task Powerpoint or video, children can simply write down their answers as they would in school.

Task 1 – Learning Objective: Use what we know about fractions to find a third in different ways.

Try this fluency activity first.

Access the lesson video here or the PowerPoint here. Children should complete the worksheet after the lesson. 

Reduced ChallengeColour a Third (instead of main worksheet).

Extra Challenge – Find a Third Mastery Challenges (in addition to the main worksheet)

Task 2 – Learning Objective: Understand what is meant by unit and non-unit fractions and recognise these fractions in different contexts.

Fluency: video links above.

Access the lesson video here or the PowerPoint here. The worksheet should be completed in two stages is indicated in the video.

Reduced ChallengeStained Glass Fractions (instead of main worksheet).

Extra ChallengeFraction Calculations (in addition to the main worksheet).

Task 3 – Learning Objective: Investigate different ways of representing unit and non-unit fractions.

Fluency: video links above.

Access the lesson video here or the PowerPoint here. We would love to see photos of this practical challenge on Google Classroom please!

There are shapes to colour and fold if you’d like some help to get started.


Just for Fun: A Toilet Tour of the ISS; we all know how much children enjoy hearing about poo!

Lesson 1

Learning Objective: To compare the lives of similar people from different time periods.  To compare changes over time and to recognise similarities and differences. 

Task: to create a comparisons chart comparing either two or three of the astronauts we have studied. 

Click here to watch a video of the task. Click here to see the PowerPoint of the lesson without audio. 

Click here if you would like to learn more about what it is like in space, here is a link to a 20 minute video of school children asking Tim Peake questions about space travel whilst he is in space. 

Lesson 2 

Learning Objective: to create a chronologically ordered timeline of space travel.

Follow the video to learn about significant dates in space travel, then use the information to  create a timeline of space travel. There is a template provided here, or you can design your own. For the PowerPoint slides without the audio click here.


Learning Objective: To begin to understand that Christians believe that Jesus is God’s son. To know that Christians believe Jesus thinks children (and anyone who knows they need help) are important. 

Click here for the video, and here for the PowerPoint slides without audio. 

Wellbeing Activities 

Monday – Connect: Play a scavenger hunt on Zoom or in your house

Tuesday – Take notice: Gratitude walk. Use your senses when you go out for your daily exercise. What can you see, hear, feel, taste and smell?

Wednesday – Exercise:  Space Facts Workout

Thursday – Keep learning: Characteristics Colouring

Friday – Give: Have a clear out and give unwanted toys or clothes to charity


Learning Objective: Explore different ways of jumping.

This week we are introducing our Jasmine platform! You should have received an email with your class login details, ask your class teacher if you’re not sure. This week, we are using the space theme to explore jumping! This video will help you get started.

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