Year 1 Final Week of Term 4

Thank you to all children and parents for helping us all have such a fantastic return to school. It’s been a great, if tiring, few weeks and we are all certainly ready for a break!


This week we have a small whole school topic about CHOCOLATE!

*This Tuesday 30th April,  This Week – Egg decorating and rolling Competition.
*Wednesday is the last day of term for children. It will be a non-uniform day with a donation for FHIS.

Activities Week 6, Term 4– Link to plans and resources if you are needing to isolate or quarantine.

Daily WellBeing Activities

Monday – Connect – In pairs, design an Easter chocolate cake. Make sure you listen to each other’s ideas!
Tuesday – Take notice –
Go for a walk around the school grounds and notice signs of spring
Wednesday – Be active – Spring ‘Would you rather’ workout


Link to Michael Rosen telling story of Chocolate cake

Phonics /Spelling/ Daily Revision of Phase 5 Phonics:
Fun ‘Easter’ Recap of Phase 5 Phonics, games and activities to aid the recap.

Vocabulary:  word, finger space, sentence, punctuation, lower case, capital, full stop, adjective, chocolate, egg

 Writing: Composition
Session 1 – Word Level – Scrumptious Sentences. Complete the missing words in the sentences using adjectives and inspiration from the story.
Session 2- Using inspiration from the story, write a poem using the given scaffold and word bank about your own favourite food.

Reading: Whole Class Focus –  ‘Chocolate Cake’, by Michael Rosen
Comprehension questions and tasks about our story.

Individual Reading – Read aloud accurately books that are consistent with developing phonic knowledge and that do not require use of other strategies to work out words.

Extended Challenge – Develop their comprehension skills and recording answers to questions about a written text. Explore inference and discuss as part of a group.

 Please also continue to use Pearson books online for additional material. Books will be changed weekly  on specific days for your child.


  • Easter and chocolate bar inspired activity to assess accuracy of measuring using cm.
  • Use a net of a cuboid to make an Easter basket. Look at the 2d shapes that make the faces on the net to create the 3d shape.
  • Follow and complete a repeating pattern.

Wider Curriculum

PE- Each class will have a ‘games’ session with SHINE.
Monday – Class 4
Wednesday – Class 5 and 6 – Children can still wear non-uniform as it’s the last day but make sure they have appropriate footwear. 

History/RE – The History of Easter Eggs
Go through the slides in the power point and ask the children what they associate with Easter. Watch the video and read the information. Take the quiz as a whole class. Model writing a quiz – focusing on using a capital letter at the start and question mark at the end (use slide for year 1 – writing questions with a capital letter and question mark.  Then give children the opportunity to ‘quiz’ their friends (reading their writing). Use a word mat to support spellings.

Stars of the Week

Class 4  William

Class 5 Isabella

Class 6 Eli

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