Year 2 – Term 5, Week 6


  • We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a waterproof coat each day.
  • Please continue to use Bug Club books, as well as those your child is bringing home. 
  • Class 8 PE days will be Thursday and Friday for week 6 only. 
  • Friday 28th May will be a non school uniform day for all pupils. 

Week 5 celebrations 

We have had a wonderful week of learning at school. The children have really enjoyed learning about the story ‘The Tin Forest’ and starting the unit of maths on measure. In maths, the children had the opportunity to use the water tray and different sized containers to experiment and find out about volume. We went on a nature walk around the school site and wrote notes. The children then used these notes to write a recount about their walk. 

Star of the week

Class 7 – Isabelle

Class 8 – Emme 

Class 9 – Penelope

Week 5 



We are continuing to use the book ‘The Tin Forest’ as our hook this week. The children will be taking part in some drama and we will ask questions to the man from the story during a hot seating session. They will then write a postcard pretending to be the man and send it to a friend telling them about what has been happening in his garden. 

The Tin Forest: Ward, Helen, Anderson, Wayne: 9781848776678:  Books

Finally, we will be writing up our whole class experiment that has been ongoing for the past four weeks. We had four snapdragon plants that were kept under different conditions. The children will be writing up their predictions, observations and conclusions in a chronological report.  


This week in reading we will be focusing on how to answer SATs style questions to show our understanding of stories, poems and informational texts.

Focus spellings: could, should, would, who, whole, any, many, money, Mr, Mrs


Our grammar focus this week will be recapping adding the suffixes ‘er’ and ‘est’ onto root words. We will revisit the rules ‘drop the y, add an i’ (happy – happier) and ‘double the consonant’ (biggest). 


In maths this week we will be completing our mass, capacity and temperature block of learning by introducing liters as a unit of measurement, studying different thermometers and checking areas around the school, making predictions about their temperature. Finally we will be consolidating everything we have learnt in this block with some cooking! The children will be making cheese scones.

5,032 Child Chef Illustrations & Clip Art


(See Writing above). 

The children will continue to write in their plant diary as they are making observations of the seeds they planted on our WOW day. These will be coming home with the children over the half term so they can continue to look after and water them. We would love it if the children could bring them back to school after the holidays so we can continue to observe them.


This week the children will be considering what people do when they go to church and why the church is important for people who go there to pray.


The children will be discussing forms of physical contact that are appropriate and that they like, eg. a hug from a family member, and touches that they don’t like, eg. being hit or kicked.


In week 6, the children will be doing some Tin Forest inspired artwork. They will be creating a gray jungle and a colourful animal which will be hidden in the jungle by being woven through the picture. We look forward to sharing some photos with you. 

This week we have been reading 'The Tin Forest'. Tell me about the toucan  bird. What did it look like, sound like and what did it do to help make the  forest

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