Year 1 Learning Final Week Term 5


  • Congratulations! We have made it to the last week of term, despite the weather that was thrown at us last week!
  • This week, we will be finalising our production of ‘The Litter Muncher’. Will post the final production as soon as we are able.
  • Friday is non-uniform day and contributions for FHIS.
  • Year 1 received their vision checks last Tuesday.
  • Remember to click the link to plans and resources below if your child is needing to self-isolate but is well. Please email the class email address if you find yourself in this position and are unsure.
  • We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a waterproof coat each day.

Year 1 Learning Week 6, Term 5– Link to plans and resources if you are needing to isolate or quarantine.

Daily Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Mood walk with Blazer Fresh
Tuesday – Take notice –
Try ‘buddy breathing’ : Choose a toy/stuffed animal to place on their tummy while they lie down and take slow breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth
Wednesday – Be active –
Celebrate with Blazer Fresh
Thursday – Try something new –
Drawing challenge: Year 1 (Clifton Suspension Bridge)   Year 2 (Owls)
Friday – Give –
Who can you say, “How can I help you?” to today


Phonics /Spelling/ Daily Mastery of Phase 5a and  Phase 5b Phonics (See daily phonics powerpoints).

Spelling and Phonics Assessments
Look at Real and Nonsense Words using skills of Blending and Segmenting
Additional Phonics:
Phase 3 and  5a revision Flash cards, BLENDING and SEGMENTING every day. Precision teaching where required for individuals.
Keywords:  Revision of words taught this term and Assessment (20 CE Words)
 word, finger space, sentence, punctuation, lower case, capital, full stop, adjective, story, beginning, middle, end

Writing – Composition
Session 1Writing Assessment for Moderation, Retell of the story-
Use the story maps created last week to retell the story of the Bristol giants and how the Avon Gorge was created. 
Session 2  Spelling/Reading/Phonics assessments and word level work
Session 3 Linked to  RE: Christian and Humanist/Scientific Creation Stories
LO: Know that scientists are discovering about how the earth was made
Know that many christians believe that God made the earth the way that scientists are discovering
Talk about what they find interesting or puzzling. 
Writing about the Christian and Humanist/Scientific Creation stories. Look at what is similar and different.

Whole Class Reading – ‘The Cautious Caterpillar’
Read through text together and look at comprehension and inference objectives. Use rhyme to help with tricky words.
Individual Reading – Read aloud accurately books that are consistent with developing phonic knowledge and that do not require use of other strategies to work out words. Assessment of phonics and blending.

Guided Reading Groups – Develop their comprehension skills and the recording of answers to questions after discussion as a group. Use of playscripts and traditional tales. Assessment of phonics and blending.

Please also continue to use Pearson books online for additional material. Books will be changed weekly  on specific days for your child.


Assessment and Consolidation
Review of Time Work (Originally covered during lockdown)

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Session

History: Life on board the SS Great Britain
LO: LO: I can talk about significant events beyond living history and compare to my own life
To make a list of words relevant to a given topic.
To use phonics taught to make plausible attempts at spelling tricky words.
Watch the video giving us a look inside the SS Great Britain. Write down words during the film or after it has finished, about what you could see and how it made you feel. Imagine you were a passenger on board. Do you think it would have been fun? If you want to you could see whether you can find any more words or information for your list from the fact sheet. Watch the clips about being a child on board and how to keep healthy. Complete the sheet.
Ext. ‘I would not have liked sleeping on the ship because the beds were tiny!
SSGB Fact sheet
SS Great Britain video
SS Great Britain – Children and Families
SS Great Britain – Keeping Well

D&T/English: Follow Written Instructions and Make a Brunel Top Hat
I can follow instructions to make an object
I can select from and use a wide range of tools / materials and equipment to perform practical tasks.
Model the instructions that the children will be following to ensure that they know the process they will be following and what their hat should look like. Discuss any vocabulary they might not be familiar with. You may want to do this in stages.

Design and label a Rat Trap!
LO: To add clear labels or captions to a diagram
Use the sheet  to work like an engineer and use squared paper for your design. They had a huge problem with rats on board the ship. Did you spot one on the videos? Will you trap and  keep the rat trapped until it can be released when you get back to shore? How will you get the rat to come to your trap? What would it be made from? Where would you put it on the ship? Why? Some of the research you did about bridges might come in handy and the mechanisms. 

PSHE: Celebrating my special relationships Assessment
LO: I can tell you why I appreciate someone who is special to me
I can express how I feel about them
Follow the Jigsaw plan – Charter, Connect Us is Spin The Bottle and tell the class someone who is special to us. Calm Me then Open My Mind is to explain why that person is special to us. Ask the children to complete the balloon label, drawing a picture of their special person and completing the sentence “You are special to me because …”

Stars of the Week

Class 4 Eva
Class 5 Edward
Class 6 Inigo

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