Term 5, Week 6

Welcome back to the last week of term 5 ! Let’s hope it’s not as wet and windy as last week although it is nice to see all the plants growing and everything looking so green. The children are very excited to see that the seeds that we have planted are beginning to grow. We have had a very busy week in Reception the children have done some amazing writing about the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and have also enjoyed learning about pointillism and painting their own paintings in this style. Outside there has been lots of mud for us to enjoy in the mud kitchen and activity trays!


Please continue to send your child in a warm waterproof coat every day. We spend a lot of time outside and the weather is still very cold, wet and windy!

We will be sending home plants for children to look after at home over the half term break. Please send your child in with a bag to carry plants home on Thursday and send them back with your children at the start of Term 6. 

Observation Challenge 

To support our artwork this week please ask your child to draw a map of your garden or a park and send it to us on EvidenceMe. It would be great to have an observation of your child in the garden or park as well.

PE Kit

Please remember to send children in their PE kit on the days that they have PE lessons: Class 1 – Monday, Class 2 – Wednesday, Class 3 – Friday. They should also wear their PE kit if they are going to Shine after school.

Reading Books

Children should now be bringing their book bags (reading folders) to school every day. We will give all children a new book on Monday and all the books will be collected in again on Friday to be quarantined over the weekend. This enables us to have enough books for everyone the next week.

Usually your child will have the same book all week to develop their fluency, expression and comprehension skills. Occasionally this book may be changed during the week after reading in school. Please remember that you still have access to all the books on the Active learn ‘Bug Club’. Please contact us via the class email if you need some more.

This week’s Learning 

The full plans are available here if you are isolating at home for week 6.


Our Jigsaw session this week is all about how to be the best of friends.

We will also continue to do daily wellbeing activities.

Communication and Language

This week we will be continuing to think about the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and using a ‘Story square’ to retell and act out the story.


Gross motor skills: This week we will be further practising and perfecting rolls and rotations on the low apparatus with care and control.



This week we will be revisiting all the digraphs and trigraphs we have learnt so far. 

We will be assessing all of the sounds and tricky words learnt so far as well as phase 2-4 blendable words. 


This week we will be reading with the children 1:1 or in small guided reading groups.

Please remember to try and read with your child for 10 minutes every day.


This week we will be writing about what we would wish for if we had magic beans.


We are continuing to learn all about numbers to 20:

  •  Recognising the numerals
  •  Ordering numerals to 20
  •  Counting to 20 and back down from 20
  •  Knowing one more and one less to 20
  • Counting objects to 20 in different ways.

This week we will be continuing to focus on take away (subtraction) calculations.  We will be practising counting back from 20 and identifying which number is 1 or 2 less.  Then we will be using a number track to solve takeaway calculations by counting back.  We will be recording our number stories pictorially or by writing number sentences using the take away and equals symbols.

Understanding the World

The World 

Our transplanted beans and peas are looking really strong and we will continue to look after them. The seeds that were sown in soil include bean, pea, nasturtium and sunflower. These are also beginning to emerge. We are making observational drawings  to record their growth

We have caterpillars in each class. The children will be sharing what they know and talking about what is happening as we observe them growing.


We will be hearing 2 short stories from Buddhism: Siddhartha and the Swan, and The Monkey King, and learning what they show Buddhists about good ways to live.

Expressive Arts

This week we will be thinking about our gardens or a garden we like to visit to design a map.

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