Year 2 – Term 6, Week 2


  • We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a waterproof coat each day.
  • Please continue to use Bug Club books, as well as those your child is bringing home. 
  • If you have not received an email by Wednesday telling you what character your child will be in the Year 2 play, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Week 1 celebrations 

It has been lovely to see all the children returning to school this week. They have really immersed themselves in our new focus story ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’ and have written some impressive story rewrites. The children have also enjoyed recapping multiplication facts of the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. It would be great if you could continue to count with your child at home in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s to support their mathematical knowledge. On Friday, all the children loved bringing things in from home to show for our Maths day. They then investigated how 150 could be grouped using lolly sticks and wrote multiplication number sentences to show their findings. 

Star of the Week

Class 7 – Jake

Class 8 – Leonora

Class 9 – Payton-Mai

Week 4



In writing this week, we are continuing to use the book Lila and the Secret of Rain as our hook. You can watch a video of the story by clicking here. The children will be pretending to be Lila and write in role. They will write a diary entry about her adventure up the mountain and think about her emotions when it started to rain. We are continuing to ask children to present their work neatly and join their handwriting. The children will also be making a card to take home for Fathers Day. 


This week, we will continue to assess the children’s reading skills through hearing them read individually but also through some independent reading assessments. Alongside this, children will have time to read for pleasure.

Focus spellings

We will continue to focus on reading and spelling Year 2 Common Exception Words and writing these in sentences.


In grammar sessions, we are looking at proper nouns and identifying statements, questions and exclamations. The children will then practise writing these independently.


In maths we are continuing to consolidate our multiplication and division knowledge with this week’s focus being on making equal groups. We will do this through exploring both sharing and grouping concepts. We will also be diving by 2, and recapping odd and even numbers. Alongside this, the children will be taking part in some arithmetic assessments. 

Wider curriculum


We are getting curious about places of worship that are important for different religions this week. We are thinking about what makes them special!


We are going to start learning the songs for our end of year play!


In PSHE we are beginning to think about humans growing from young to old.


We are continuing to explore the geography of Kenya but this week we are focusing on human geography such as cities. The children will be using this new knowledge to make comparisons between Kenya and Bristol.

Please click here to access the planning if you are self isolating.

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