Thank you so much for all your support over the last year…and what a year it has been. We wish you all the greatest health and happy, fun times over the Summer and look forward to seeing you all again in September. We are proud of everyone’s achievements and know that the children are really ready for that next stage of their journey.
Thank you
Year 1 Team
Whole School Final Topic/Transition: Journeys
- All classes need to wear their PE kits on Monday for our last PE sessions.
- Tuesday evening, FHIS Summer event and disco.
- Wednesday is a non-uniform day with a donation to FHIS.
- Please make sure all reading books have been returned to school.
- Remember to click the link to guidance and resources below if your child is needing to self-isolate but is well. Please email the class email address if you find yourself in this position and are unsure.
- We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a sun hat and waterproof coat each day.
Year 1 Learning Week 7, Term 6– Link to resources if you are needing to isolate or quarantine.
Well Being Activities
Monday: Be active -Dance along to Cotton-eye-Joeor – Be still – lie as still as you can for one minute. What can you hear/ see? Tuesday: Connect –Team challenge Wednesday: Thankfulness – Remember something to be thankful for, and relax and do a colouring sheet. |
Phonics /Spelling/ Daily Mastery and Recap of Phase 5 Phonics
Look at skills of Blending and Segmenting
Recap of Phonics: Phase 3 and 5a/b/c revision Flash cards, BLENDING and SEGMENTING every day.
Writing – Composition
Write a message for the new children so that they can be left in each tray as a welcome in September.
Individual Reading – Fully decodable books at the level of the children so that they are able to develop fluency.
Guided Reading Groups – Focus or Fiction for quiet reading and reading for pleasure.
Please also continue to use Pearson books online for additional material. We will make sure these are updated for use over the summer too.
Maths – Various Activities
Three different Activities for Children to Rotate Around:
1.Outside Activities including: chalks, games, bean bags in buckets
2.Inside Maths games: taking turns, working in groups
3. Number Solving Problems recording through colouring and summer activity sheets.
Wider Curriculum
PE- SHINE or Outside PE Session
PSHE: Coping with Changes and Transition – Answer anymore questions about Year2 and follow up some more questions from current Reception children before their move to Year 1.
MUSIC – Rhythm and Pulse
LO: I can use my voice expressively and creatively by speaking chants and I can play untuned instruments musically
Rhythm and Pulse and complete the call / responses activities. Building on from the session last week.
Class 4 Everyone in Class 4 and their grown-ups!
Class 5 Edward
Class 6 Samuel