Our Learning – Year 1 Term 1 Week 6


THIS WEEK: Westonbirt Arboretum on Thursday, October 7th.
Please ensure your child has the following:

  • Sensible footwear (wellies are acceptable)
  • Raincoat
  • School jumpers/tops to be worn
  • Warm clothes (if needed – hat, scarves, gloves, extra pair of socks)
  • Packed lunch (unless you have indicated for your child to have one provided by school) in a rucksack or lunchbox (as lunches in carrier bags may get eaten by the birds)!
  • 2 drinks and a snack for during the  morning

We will be leaving at 9:15am so please arrive to school promptly.

The Arboretum has asked that you check your children on their return for ticks. Here is a link to the information they provided. Lyme Disease Leaflet

  • Next week we will  be walking down to St Peters’ church for a visit as part of our R+WV curriculum on Wednesday, 13th October  This is a local visit so permission is already covered. Thank you to the volunteers for parent helpers. Your class teacher should have already contacted you with the timings for your class’ visit.
  • Children will change for their PE sessions so please continue to ensure that children’s PE kits are in school on their pegs
  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions aiming  to be taught this week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

KS1 are joining ‘The Zero-Wasters’ and taking part in the exciting Waste Nothing Schools challenge run by Bristol Waste. The challenge is to encourage pupils and their families to reduce waste and recycle more by completing five challenges within the home.  Please look out for a booklet that will be coming home with your child on Monday. 

This challenge is a competition between schools within Bristol and our school is one of the lucky ones taking part. Our school could get a prize, so help us win by taking part and completing the challenge with your household at home and bringing it back to school. Each student will be given a Waste Nothing Schools booklet on Monday 4 th October. Please ensure completed booklets are back to the class teacher by Monday 18 th October. All you need to know is inside the booklet and additional help is on the Bristol Waste website!

Daily Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Collect children’s examples of ways they have been kind today
Tuesday – Take Notice- What can we do if we feel worried?
Wednesday – Be Active – Fruit and veg actions
Thursday – Keep Learning –
Tell us about something you have learned to do since you’ve been back at school
Friday – Give –
Fill a class Thankfulness jar with things that make you happy.


Revision on Phase 3 and 4 Phonics (Taught in Reception): 
Blending of words containing two adjacent consonants: E.g. frost  clasp  grant
Teach adding the prefix un- to verbs: E.g unzip  unpack
Teach adding the prefix un- to adjectives: E.g. unwell   unfair
Blending for reading: E.g. untwist  unfold  unroll
Segmenting for spelling: E.g  unpack   unplug
Revise CEW: little   one
Vocabulary: adjective, phoneme, sounds, blend, letter name, word, sentence, full stop

Word level Work-
 Build on Science scavenger hunt  from last week, to write about senses. Which parts of our bodies are used for each of our senses? Do some of our senses use more than one?
Composition- An email arrives from Beegu and her family to tell us all about her planet which includes beautiful pictures. Thinking about our. 5 senses, write about the  experience you would have on her planet. 
Label Writing – Using writing that could be used on a display, write and illustrate the name of Beegu’s planet, ‘Ugeeb’. What do you notice about the planets name?
Handwriting: Correct formation of the CEW for spelling listed above through the use of our 4 formation families. Complete a dictated sentence.

  • Handwriting patterns and exercises. Spellings of the phonics and keywords listed above through formation and joining practice of digraphs and a dictated sentence.


  • Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension.

In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified in assessments.

Whole Class.
Share stories each day. This promotes their listening skills and extends their vocabulary and understanding of language. Time also to discuss characters and adjectives to help stimulate their learning.


Recall of addition facts within 8 (every day)

Counting forwards and backwards from any number within 20
Identifying 1 more and 1 less of any given number within 20

Learning objectives:
To use the language first, then and now to tell addition and subtraction problems.
To identify if a problem is addition or subtraction
To use the symbols – and = to record number sentences.
To compare addition and subtraction number sentences using the symbols < > and =

We will be looking at the difference between addition and subtraction and spotting key language in word problems that can tell us which operation is being used. We will be able to identify that when we add, our total gets bigger but when we subtract it gets smaller. We will build on our understanding of greater than, less than and equal to (<, >, =) and use them to compare number sentences such as 4 + 1 > 3.

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Outside Session – Team Games

R+WV (Formally known as RE) –
Preparation for our visit next week to St Peters Church. What are we expecting to see? Who is this place special for? Think of questions to ask on our visit.

Computing and Art –  Explore colour mixing. To mix colours to match for colours that would show autumn to paint an autumn picture. Use observation to colour match the depth of colours. Use a variety of tools for mixing and applying paint to paper. Then later in the week use purple mash to create a picture using a painting package on an ipad. Discuss which you preferred and why? Which method created the best effect.

Science–  Work linked to Writing and Trip to Westonbirt Arboretum.
Context of visit:
Seasonal changes, Display of colour, Using our senses to explore nature, Question what we see.
Science, Seasonal Changes and about our bodies, exploring the 5 senses.

PSHE – To recognise the choices I make and understand the consequences recognise the range of feelings when I face certain consequences.

Class 4- Ernest

Class 5- Phoebe

Class 6-  Otis

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