Year 1 Learning Term 1 Week 7


Harvest Festival Donations- This week we will have a visit from our local Salvation Army Representatives during our Tuesday assembly. They will kick start this year’s appeal for Harvest donations for them to distribute to those in need.
We will then be starting to collect tinned and packaged foods (non-perishable) in our classes which they will then collect at the end of term to distribute. The children are also busy learning songs for our Harvest Festival in the last week.

Thank you to all our wonderful parent helpers who helped out on the trip and helped to  make it such a wonderful experience for all. 

  • This week we will  be walking down to St Peters’ church for a visit as part of our R+WV curriculum on Wednesday, 13th October  Thank you to all the parents who are helping. Each class has enough helpers now. Your class teacher should have  been in contact about the timings involved for their classes and where to assemble. Each class has a different time slot in the afternoon.
  • You should have received information about our English and Maths Curriculums via School Comms. There is also information about how follow up questions can be answered.
  • Children will change for their PE sessions so please continue to ensure that children’s PE kits are in school on their pegs. They need a white T-shirt, black shorts and a change of shoes, pumps or trainers. All the classes had their first ‘changing times’ last week. Thank you for  supporting and preparing your children for this. It is an important part of their learning and promotion of independence to change unsupported.
  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 
  • Class elections for School council and Eco council reps will take place this week.

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Daily Wellbeing Activities

Monday – Connect – Ask someone to play with you, either in the classroom or in the playground that you have not played with before.
Tuesday – Take Notice- Ask 5 people today how they are feeling.
Wednesday – Be Active – Everytime you go into the playground today start your playtime by doing 10 star jumps.
Thursday – Keep Learning –
What could you do today to challenge yourself?
Friday – Give –
Write on a drop for Mrs Fricker’s bucket of kindness.


Revision on Phase 3 and 4 Phonics (Taught in Reception): 
Reading words with contractions and understanding that the apostrophe represents the omitted letter.
Blending of words containing three adjacent consonants: E.g. string  scrimp  shrink
Teach reading words with a contraction: E.g I’ll  he’d   didn’t
Practice Blending for reading: E.g. they’ll  what’s   there’s
Segmenting for spelling: E.g  unpack   unplug
Revise CEW: when  out   what. Writing dictated sentences using the above.

Vocabulary: adjective, phoneme, sounds, blend, letter name, word, sentence, full stop

-Write a recount of the trip to Westonbirt, using pictures. Use a scaffold to write about the trip or write captions for photos. (Assessed piece of writing)
-Write a postcard to Beegu’s mum and dad telling them about her time on Earth. Write it as if you are Beegu. Include a picture of Earth on the back. Use the illustrations from our story as a stimulus.
-Linked to R+WV work, record what we found out about at St Peters’ church.

Handwriting: Correct formation of the CEW for spelling listed above through the use of our 4 formation families. Complete a dictated sentence. Handwriting and Spellings of the phonics and keywords listed above through formation and joining practice of digraphs and dictated sentence.

Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension.
Look at reading words with a contraction. E,g, I’ll  he’d   didn’t
In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified in assessments.

Whole Class.
Share stories each day. This promotes their listening skills and extends their vocabulary and understanding of language. Time also to discuss characters and adjectives to help stimulate their learning.


Mental/ oral warm-ups:
Recall of addition facts within 9 (every day)
2 x Practise < > = symbols 
2 x Recall of 1 more/less
Number formation

Learning Objectives: 

  • To compare addition and subtraction number sentences using the symbols < > and =
  • To use the language part-part whole and relate to addition and subtraction.
  • To find all addition and subtraction number sentences relating to a part-part whole model.
  • To know that addition and subtraction are inverse operations.
  • To recognise the difference between odd and even numbers. 

This week’s main focus will be exploring the relationship between addition and subtraction. Children will be using part-part whole models to write 4 number sentences to show the number fact families such as:

It may be helpful to reinforce this learning at home as this can sometimes be a challenging topic for children!

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Outside Session – Team Games
Jasmine PE– Pulling together skills learnt this term in a sequence.

Geography- Draw a map of your journey to school. Do an example by drawing our walk to the church we did together yesterday. Can you include labels?

R+WV (Formally known as RE) –
Looking at places that are special to us.
Why are churches special to Christians? Visit to St Peters’ church, Henleaze. Then linked to English about recording our visit. Photos in class book. Follow up the questions and thoughts that we had before our visit. Did we answer our questions and any mis-conceptions we may have had before the visit.

Computing and Art –  Use purple mash to create a picture using a painting package on an ipad. Discuss which method (paint or ipad) you preferred and why? Which method created the best effect?

Science-  To know that all animals, including humans, grow and change as they become older. Look at how we change as we grow older. Talk through and record the different stages of  a human life.

PSHE – A session to work through what it means to be a school council rep and Eco-Rep. In each class a short election will follow session.

Music- Songs for our Harvest Festival – We hope the children will be singing them around the house. They’re very catchy!

Class 4 Eliza

Class 5 Elliott

Class 6 Emily

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