Year 1 Learning Term 1 Week 8

Advance Notification of Dates for Week 1, Term 2:


Thursday 4th November 9-9:45 am OPEN MORNING and ‘READING RANGER’ Meeting- If COVID guidelines permit at this time, 1 parent for each child is invited to come into class and on our patio areas to look through your child’s work and look around their classroom. Parents Evenings will follow in Week 2 These will again be held virtually like last year. Following on from this, at 9:45am there will be a meeting in the hall for any parents/ carers/ grandparents that would be interested in being a ‘Reading Ranger’ with us. The meeting will give you more information about what this regular commitment would mean and to have a little training.

Design a Mascot for our E-Safety Posters Miss Ross will send an email with more details but we have extended the closing date until after the break. Thank you for the entries that have already been submitted.

If your child needs to isolate and is well then here is a link to this week’s plans and resources.

To listen to Mrs Fricker’s whole-school assembly, click here

Phonics Links to use at home ear air ure ar ur


Harvest Festival Donations- This week we will have our Harvest Festival in school and a chance for Reception to join us for our special singing assembly. Remember to bring in any food stuffs in packets and tins that are non-perishable. More details are in the school newsletter. We ask for all donations to be into school by the end of term so that they can be collected and distributed during the break.

KS1 will be watching a live online storytelling event on 20th October by performer and educator Usifu Jalloh. The event provides an important opportunity to highlight and learn about Black history and heritage, and the way that people of African and Caribbean descent have shaped our nation’s story. For more information head to their website

Thank you to all our wonderful parent helpers who helped walk down to St Peters Church and for the kind members of the church who gave us their time to share so much with us.

  • Children will change for their PE sessions so please continue to ensure that children’s PE kits are in school on their pegs. They need a white T-shirt, black shorts and a change of shoes, pumps or trainers. All the classes had their first ‘changing times’ last week. Thank you for  supporting and preparing your children for this. It is an important part of their learning and promotion of independence to change unsupported.
  • You will find below a grid showing the sessions to be taught each week. They do not exactly follow days as each class has different sessions due to support and PE times being different but it allows you to see the week as a snapshot of sessions. 

We will always aim to get outside, whatever the weather, as much as possible so children will really need a waterproof coat each day.

Daily Wellbeing Activities

Monday – Connect – Give your friend instructions to draw something on their whiteboard.
Tuesday – Take Notice- Be mindful of your fruit at fruit time – describe the colour/ taste/ texture. you could make a guessing game out of it.
Wednesday – Be Active – Move along to these exercise songs
Thursday – Keep Learning –
Talk through these Resilience cards together. Colour in a set to remind you.
Friday – Give –
Tell your partner what you are thankful for about school.


Assessment  of Phase 3 and 4 Phonics: 
Assess reading of graphemes revised this term
Assess the blending of words containing these graphemes
Continue to practice Blending for reading – look at consonant clusters
Continue with segmenting for spelling – look at consonant clusters
Revise CEW taught this term – Concentrate on questioning words, why what when where
Writing dictated sentences using the above.


Vocabulary: verb, adjective, phoneme, grapheme, sounds, blend, letter name, word, sentence, full stop, question mark

-Identify a verb and use with adjectives.

Uncover Your Smothered Verbs! - Grammar Goddess Communication

– Write about things that they did when they were younger and things that they can do now. LA: support ideas & writing, scaffold with different sentence starters (‘When I was a baby I …’ and ‘Now I can…’). HA: Encourage to extend writing and encourage independence. Look at graphemes learnt for spelling.
-Word Level – Using phonemes and graphemes taught, draw and write adjectives and words about our fruit and veg from our harvest songs. E.g Fluffy Cauliflowers  Red apples etc.

Handwriting: Correct formation of the CEW for spelling listed above through the use of our 4 formation families. Complete a dictated sentence.
Handwriting and Spellings of the phonics and keywords listed above through formation and joining practice of digraphs and dictated sentence.

Reading: Read as part of a group. Look at front cover details and explore making predictions, using phonetic knowledge to decode unknown words and to extend vocabulary. Read aloud and look at increasing fluency and use discussion as a group to discuss comprehension.
In reading groups, continue to continue on phonic and CEW recognition gaps identified in assessments.
Whole Class.
As part of Black History Month, Key Stage 1 will be sharing a story at 9:30am on Wednesday Morning.


Mental/ oral warm-ups:
Recall of addition facts within 10, plus facts from previous weeks (every day)
Flashback 4
To recall number bonds to 10

To work systematically to find all the number bonds to 10
Assessment of unit taught this term, through questioning, practical skills and discussions in small groups.

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Outside Session – Team Games
Jasmine PE– LO: I can work on simple tasks by myself and I can improve my balance
We continue our Pirate adventure. Can children improve the time they were able to balance on one leg without wobbling from last week? Can they add the new skill of balancing on an uneven surface?

R+WV (Formally known as RE) – LO: I can recognise and discuss Christian symbols and objects found in a church
Using our trip to St Peter’s, discuss the special objects and symbols the children discovered on their trip. Can they remember what they mean and why these are important to Christians? 

Computing –  LO: I can access and explore the Purple Mash app  independently using my own login and passcode. 

Science-  To ask questions and make suggestions about how humans change as they grow and get older. To make predictions about the link between growing and getting older and  record the stages from Baby-Elderly on a sequencing sheet.

PSHE – Assessment session for Being Me
Children to draw a picture of a classroom showing the correct learning behaviours and how they like to learn. Then we will use these to re-evaluate our learning charters and see if we need to add anything new.

Music- Final chance to practice our fabulous songs for Harvest Festival: Cauliflowers Fluffy and Harvest Samba

Class 4 – Mabel

Class 5 – Amaya

Class 6 – James

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