Year 1 Learning Term 3, Week 1

Welcome back! Here we are… Term 3! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break. Thank you so much from all of the Year 1 staff for all your very kind wishes and gifts.

We know that things are changing constantly at this continuing tricky time so please look out for emails that will alert you to any changes that are deemed necessary. Will post on the blogs about any changes to learning. The link continues to be shared for home learning if you need to isolate. 

Our new topic is…..

Our World
Click on this image for a curriculum map for the term

At the end of last term we created our model of Henleaze… Here are some pictures of the finished product!

The children loved looking around the model. We felt like giants!! 

Well done Year 1!


  • School opens for pupils on Wednesday 5th January. 
  • Remember to click the link to plans below if your child is needing to self-isolate but is well. Please email the class email address if you find yourself in this position and are unsure.
  • We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a warm, waterproof coat each day.
  • In R+WV we are discussing special stories and books that are important to us and our families this week, so please pick a favourite book with your child and encourage them to think about why they like it. They can bring it in to share.


A link to plans and resources if you are needing to self-isolate can be accessed HERE

To view the slides from this week’s KS1 assembly click here

Daily Well Being Activities

Wednesday – Be Active – Cosmic Yoga Dinosaurs
Thursday – Keep Learning – Choose a challenge from Minute to win it – Draw or write with the other hand, pick up objects with your feet, learn a song with actions
Friday – Give – 
Bucket filling

English -Phonics and Reading

Phonics: Teaching – Phase 5
Focus Graphemes Recapping graphemes taught, but with a main focus on
ew, oo, ue, u_e 
Words to read and spell:  June   use   used  once   school
Sounds and Keyword books- children will write in these sounds and keywords – Differentiated where necessary. Please use the books for the children to practice in. Guidance is in the front of your child’s book.
Vocabulary: adjective, verb, noun, phoneme, sounds, blend, letter name, word, sentence, full stop, question mark, conjunction

Reading: Comprehension Focus 

  • Read as part of a group and/or individually, recognising and joining in with predictable phrases.
  • Whole class reading – Concentrate on Comprehension Skill Development.
  • I can look for patterns in words.
  • Look at fluency and comprehension at differentiated levels.
  • Read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words. 

English – Writing

Vocabulary: letter, word, finger space, sentence, punctuation, lower case, capital, full stop.

  • Look at powerpoint about writing a recount. What did we get up to over the holidays? What made it special? Write about their holidays.  Punctuation and presentation  key. 
  • Linked to PSHE this week. What are your goals for 2022? Again consider presentation and punctuation. 
  •  Handwriting. Use correct formation and think about presentation. Use phonics and keywords from this week and a dictated sentence.

Maths- Addition and Subtraction within 20

We will be recapping the addition and subtraction skills we learnt last term and using them to:
-Solve words problems
-Add 3 single digit numbers using bonds to 10 (e.g. 7+4+3=14, by spotting that the 7 and 3 are a bond to 10, then adding 4 more)

Learning Objectives: 
To add by counting on.
To subtract by counting backwards.
To add and subtract 1 and 2-digit numbers to 20, including 0.
[Exceeding: To add and subtract 1- digit and 2-digit numbers within 20 mentally]
To add 3 single digit numbers
To understand that addition is commutative
To use number bonds to 10 add 3 single digit numbers efficiently
To solve one-step addition and subtraction problems 
To read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving +, – and =

We will also be practising core number skills including:
Recall addition facts to 10 (daily)
Number bonds to 10 

Wider Curriculum

PE – SHINE or Jasmine Real Gym Unit 1 Lesson 1
Learning Objective:
I can use my body to create straight, star, tuck, straddle and pike shapes on different levels 
I can understand and follow simple rules, name some things that I am good at and I can explain why someone is performing well.

This week we start a gym unit learning how to make a variety of shapes with our bodies on different levels. We are also focussing on our cognitive skills such as understanding and following instructions. Follow the PE plan in Topic plans.

Science – Weather Diaries – We will be continuing with our weather diaries.

PSHE – Goals and Dreams 
Learning Objective:  
I can set simple goals
I can tell you about a thing I do well.

This week we decorate treasure chests that the children will use to keep records of their successes and treasure in. Using the pre-completed success coins for each child as a starting point, discuss what the children see as “success”. Also discuss the emotions associated with success such as pride.

R+WV- Special Stories
Learning Objectives:
I can appreciate that individuals and cultures express their beliefs and values through many different forms incl. through sacred writings and stories.
I can talk about what is important to me and others with respect for their beliefs and feelings
To start this unit we will look at the stories and books that are special to the children and their families. Children to lead discussion with their examples, other children to question respectfully to find out what makes it special.

Stars of the Week (From last week of Term 2)

Class 4: James

Class 5: Harry

Class 6: Rudy

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